A thrilling, futuristic volume of 1960s and 1970s Thunderbirds comic strips featuring The City of Doom, The Big Bang and The Mini Moon with dateline 4th April 2070 and artwork by John Cooper. The first story City of Doom is set in 2069 and the artist is Frank Bellamy. For the first time ever, photographers have been allowed into Project City, a secret community of scientists working on a top security system within the mighty Andes Mountains. The aircraft skipper does as he is told and puts the mammoth plane down on an old military airfield high in the Andes Mountains... the way those idiots are treating those crates is suicidal! Boom! Great to see that Egmont Publishers have reprinted this series for ages 13 and up and of course adult nostalgia collectors. 48pp, 8.5 x 11.5".
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