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Book number: 94868 Product format: Paperback Author: DAMON GALGUT

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £8.99

In 1912 the SS Birmingham approaches India and on board is Morgan Forster, novelist and man of letters, embarking on a journey of discovery. As he stands on deck, the promise of a strange new future begins to take shape before his eyes. It will be another 12 years before 'A Passage to India', E. M. Forster's great work of literature is published. During these years, Morgan will come to a profound understanding of himself which he brings to bear in his remarkable novel. The seeds of a story start to gather at the corner of his mind, a sense of impending menace, lust in close confines, under a hot, empty sky. At once a fictional exploration of E. M. Forster and his struggle to find a way of living and being, this historical novel is a stunningly vivid evocation of the mysterious alchemy of the creative process, Forster's travels to India, and the freedom and inspiration he found there. Galgut won the Booker Prize for his novel The Promise. 356pp, paperback.

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ISBN 9781782391593
Browse this category: Historical Fiction
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