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Book number: 92708 Product format: Paperback Author: PETER CONRADI

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £12.99

Sub-titled 'The Rise and Fall of Ernst Hanstaengl Confidant of Hitler, Ally of Roosevelt', Hanstaengl was court jester, pianist and Foreign Press Chief for Hitler. He even claimed to have devised the chant of Sieg Heil. A Munich-born aristocratic eccentric, when he fell out with Hitler he fled to Britain where he was interned and transferred to America. He was the most unlikely CIA secret agent, yet he would play a central role in F.D.R's S-Project, informing on 400 leading Nazis and providing a detailed psychological profile of his once close friend, Hitler. Throughout the 1920s, "Putzi" introduced Hitler to German high society and helped to fund his projects, including the publication of Mein Kampf. In turn he became his Foreign Press Chief, but as Hitler rose to power, Putzi would recede into the background as the Führer's pianist. Eventually a falling out with Goebbels led to his defection to the Allied forces, a spurned attempt to atone for the monster he had created. Through newly declassified documents, interviews with surviving family members and original writing by Putzi himself, Peter Conradi reveals a remarkable life of conflicted loyalties in his exemplary piece of biographical writing is packed with colour and character. 352pp, paperback with fairly small print and archive photos reproduced, the book has all the elements of a gripping thriller.

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ISBN 9780715654019

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Book number: 92836 Product format: Paperback Author: THOMAS GEVE
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CARNIVAL OF SNACKERY: Diaries 2003-2020
Book number: 92449 Product format: Paperback Author: DAVID SEDARIS
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Book number: 93256 Product format: Hardback Author: JOHN SHARP & TONY HILLMAN
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Book number: 92662 Product format: Hardback Author: ZADIE SMITH
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PAINTINGS OF NEW YORK: 30 Oversized Postcards
Book number: 92685 Product format: Unknown Author: MUSEUM OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK
Bibliophile price £6.00
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POSTERS: A Century of Summer Exhibitions
Book number: 92688 Product format: Paperback Author: MARK POMEROY
Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £9.95

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Book number: 92809 Product format: Paperback Author: MICHAEL MORPURGO

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £7.99

First published in 1982, we are thrilled to have this paperback reprint of what is now regarded as a modern classic. The story begins: 'My earliest memories are a confusion of hilly fields and dark, damp stables, and rats that scampered along the beams above my head. But I remember well enough the day of the horse sale. The terror of it stayed with me all my life. I was not yet six months old, a gangling, leggy colt who had never been further than a few feet from his mother. We were parted that day in the terrible hubbub of the auction ring and I was never to see her again. She was a fine working farm horse, getting on in years... she was sold within minutes... but somehow I was more difficult to dispose of. Perhaps it was the wild look in my eye as I circled the ring in desperate search of my mother... I was dragged along the lanes tied on a short rope to the tail board of a farm cart so that every twist and turn wrenched at my neck.' Young Albert adopts the colt, and then is called up to serve in the trenches of the First World War where he is reunited with his War Horse. An unforgettable story which ends at Christmastime in the village. 182pp, paperback.

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ISBN 9780603568411

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Book number: 92550 Product format: Paperback Author: LAURA MARSHALL
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Book number: 93556 Product format: Paperback Author: PETER SWANSON
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CROSSLEY ID GUIDE: Britain and Ireland
Book number: 93483 Product format: Paperback Author: RICHARD CROSSLEY & D. COUZENS
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Book number: 93295 Product format: Hardback Author: T. S. ELIOT, ARTHUR ROBINS
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Book number: 93279 Product format: Hardback Author: MRS C.F. LEYEL, MISS O HARTLEY
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SOUND MIND: How I Fell In Love With Classical Music
Book number: 92949 Product format: Paperback Author: PAUL MORLEY
Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £12.99

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Book number: 92836 Product format: Paperback Author: THOMAS GEVE

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £8.99

'We felt an urge to document what we had witnessed. If we who had experienced it, I reasoned, did not reveal the bitter truth, people simply would not believe the extent of the Nazi's evil. I wanted to share our life, the events and our struggle to survive.' Thomas Geve was born in 1929 in Germany. From 1933 onwards, he and his family felt the full force of Nazi persecution. After years of constant danger and hardship, he and his mother were arrested and transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau in June 1943. 22 months later, Thomas was liberated, and after a period of recouperation was reunited with his father in London. After completing his studies and graduating with an engineering degree, Thomas moved to Israel in July 1950, raised a family and lived peacefully in retirement. When he was liberated at the age of 15, Thomas had survived the third concentration camp where he had been separated from his mother and left to fend for himself in the men's camp of Auschwitz I at the age of 13. On his eventual release, Thomas felt compelled to capture daily life in the death camps in more than 80 profoundly moving drawings. Infamous scenarios synonymous with this dark period of history were poignantly and accurately portrayed in simplistic detail, and for years Thomas continued to raise awareness about the Holocaust. Thomas experienced illness, witnessed physical brutality and murder of many inmates, and in his illustrated diary of his life and surroundings, recounted the quotidian work routine, cruelty of the guards, and his chronic hunger. 'As the women trudged passed, they hardly bothered to lift up their heads in greeting. Dressed in rags, their hair shorn and faces worn with worry and despair, they still had sufficient energy to shuffle along the dusty roadway. I reflected that weeks ago, these same women might have strolled along the streets of Budapest clad in elegant clothes, attracting the glance of many admirers...Trying to cheer them up, we bared our shave heads, waved our blue-white caps and forced a smile.' 32 of the naïve drawings are reproduced in colour. 332pp, paperback with other illus.

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ISBN 9780008406394

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SEVEN STARS: Ancient Astronomy and the English Public House
Book number: 92334 Product format: Paperback Author: HUGH KOLB
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Book number: 92708 Product format: Paperback Author: PETER CONRADI
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CEZANNE: A Book of 30 Postcards
Book number: 92653 Product format: Paperback Author: PATRICE MORRIS
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Book number: 92237 Product format: Paperback Author: MICHAEL CONNELLY
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BLACK BOOK: The Britons on the Nazi Hitlist
Book number: 92323 Product format: Hardback Author: SYBIL OLDFIELD
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Book number: 92445 Product format: Paperback Author: CATH STAINCLIFFE
Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £9.99

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WORLD AFLAME: The Long War, 1914-1945

Book number: 92858 Product format: Hardback Author: DAN JONES AND MARINA AMARAL

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £25

The leading British historian has teamed up with a gifted Brazilian artist who uses contemporary photographs as the basis for her full-colour digital renditions of poignant early 20th century photographs. The 200 unforgettable images have been retouched with realistic skin tones, filthy uniforms, the stern faces of men at the Nuremberg Rallies, a tiny little girl survivor of the bombing of Guernica, blindfolded German prisoners after the Dieppe Raid and poignant images from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising including bloodied children in striped uniforms at Auschwitz. The 200 unforgettable images are of conflicts and revolutions, key events and leading actors of the total wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45, and the civil and colonial struggles of the interwar period and the impact of these violent happenings on the lives of ordinary men and women across each of the world's continents. Each poignant picture is paired with a short explanatory text to give more context to the image and the book proceeds in a more or less chronological sequence, hard and harrowing, every single archive photograph capturing a moment in history. It is a tribute to the men and women, some heroes, some victims, who live through these terrifying times of fascism, nationalism, populism, anti-Semitism, hatred, bigotry, racism and the politics of exclusion, division and isolation. The world is fragile and it takes less than we think to set it aflame. With superb colourisation which is a delicate and technical process and reproduced in 432 very large pages in this heavyweight tome with pagemarker, 8" x 9½".
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9781788547789

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INSIDE PARKHURST: Stories of A Prison Officer
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Book number: 92646 Product format: Paperback Author: BOB CARRUTHERS
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FREE WORLD: Art and Thought In The Cold War
Book number: 93157 Product format: Hardback Author: LOUIS MENAND
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CALL TO ARMS - Over by Christmas

Book number: 92954 Product format: Paperback Author: David Bilton

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £14.99

This is a stand-out volume among the many photographic histories of World War I, with the effects of the conflict vividly demonstrated in archive photos showing day to day life on the home fronts of the warring nations. Young Germans living in Britain are seen crowding round the German consulate as war breaks out, almost all wearing Panama hats, while over in Germany similarly hatted young men read the mobilisation orders posted on the Rathaus (Town Hall). The Grenadier Guards, including the Prince of Wales, are seen leaving for France, where the headgear of choice is a flat cap. Further afield, the Commander-in-Chief is seen marching his Turkish troops through Jerusalem, and the first Tasmanian contingent to leave Hobart throngs the decks of a departing ship. Spy fever was running riot and Britain's east coast and railway bridges are heavily guarded by Territorials, while the Dutch frontier has a barrier of revolving spikes. High school students are now working in the fields, and a German monk is seen tending horses. Propaganda posters announce that England Expects Every Man To Do His Duty. A Brussels school is used as a hospital, and even more extraordinarily the Orangery Palace in Potsdam houses hospital beds among the grandiose pillars, while the Royal Palace in St Petersburg is also requisitioned. In Britain, there are makeshift wards in the Great Hall of Birmingham University and the cloisters of Trinity College Cambridge. Refugees on the eastern front struggle to safety without shoes, and meanwhile women work in munitions factories, sew balloons and make bandages in this fascinating cross section of wartime life. 192pp, chronology, archive photos on every page.

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ISBN 9781473833722

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ANGINA MONOLOGUES: Stories of Surgery for Broken Hearts
Book number: 92705 Product format: Paperback Author: SAMER NASHEF
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Book number: 93148 Product format: Paperback Author: S. G. MACLEAN
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Book number: 93223 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID PRETTY
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JOHN CRANCH: Uncommon Genius
Book number: 93229 Product format: Hardback Author: JOHN LAMBLE
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Book number: 93246 Product format: Hardback Author: BRUCE HALES-DUTTON
Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £19.99

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KAISER'S CAPTIVE: In the Claws of the German Eagle

Book number: 92965 Product format: Hardback Author: Albert Rhys Williams

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Bibliophile price £1.50
Published price £14.99

First published under the sub-title in 1917 in New York, Albert Rhys Williams (1883-1962) was an American journalist, author and labour organiser who studied on a fellowship at Cambridge University. In 1914 he found work as a journalist with the magazine Outlook as a special war correspondent, with the duty of reporting the events of the Great War. He was arrested in Belgium and detained by Germans who suspected him of being a British spy. In the early days of the conflict, Williams had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Imperial German Army and, arrested in Belgium, they marched him into captivity. On his return to the USA, he published 'In the Claws of the German Eagle' in 1917. He then joined the New York Post and was sent to Petrograd to report on the conflict that was taking place in Russia following the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II, and he remained an ardent supporter of Russia until the end of his life. 'The horrible and incomprehensible hates and brutalities of the European War! Unspeakable atrocities! Men blood-lusting like a lot of tigers! Horrible they are indeed. But my experiences in the war zone render them no longer incomprehensible... Two weeks later I fell under the spell of the self-same Germans. That long gray column swinging on through Liege so mesmerised me that my natural revulsion against slaughter was changed to actual admiration. Had an officer right them thrust a musket into my hand, I could have mechanically fallen into step and fared forth to the killing of the French...' 142 pages.

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ISBN 9781783463084

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QUEENS OF JERUSALEM: The Women Who Dared to Rule
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WOMEN ON THE HOME FRONT: Serving the Nation in Photographs
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GEEZERS: On Camp with the SAS

Book number: 92927 Product format: Hardback Author: MONICA LAVERS

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Bibliophile price £6.99
Published price £16.99

22 Special Air Service Regiment is world-famous, and famously secretive. For the first time, step inside the SAS Camp at Hereford garrison and discover what the most elite soldiers of the British armed forces are really like off duty, on guard and up close. Lavers (not her real name) spent three years working in support services inside the closed SAS garrison camp where she got to know those who refer to themselves as 'Geezers'. They are the toughest and most resourceful soldiers in the world and only the cream of the crop get through the rigorous training programme to achieve their status as 'badged'. This elite force deserves their famous motto 'Who Dares Wins'. They cannot be identified, and their true job is known to very few people, for their own security and the protection of others, and they are prohibited from talking about their careers. So who are they? What are they really like? Lavers gets to know them as people rather than by their fearsome reputation and offers a behind-the-scenes look at life which is funny, heart breaking and compassionate, full frontal and with no holds barred. She concludes that although undoubtedly brave, somebody in the Regiment was always there to pick up the pieces, doctors and physios on hand and welfare officers and 'they really did seem a bit helpless sometimes and, in that regard, I felt desperately sorry for them.' They have to live their lives in secret. 336pp.

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ISBN 9781903360446

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Book number: 92930 Product format: Hardback Author: JAN BROKKEN

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Bibliophile price £9.00
Published price £25

'How Six Unlikely Heroes Saved Thousands of Jews from the Holocaust'. In May 1940, desperate Jewish refugees in Kaunas, the capital of Lithuania, faced annihilation until an ordinary Dutch man became their saviour. Over a period of 10 feverish days, Jan Zwartendijk, the newly appointed Dutch consul, wrote thousands of visas that would ostensibly allow Jews to travel to the Dutch colony of Curaçao on the other side of the world. With the help of Chiune Sugihara, the consul for Japan, while taking great personal and professional risks, Jan enabled up to 10,000 men, women and children to escape the country on the Trans-Siberian Express train, through Soviet Russia to Japan and then on to China, saving them from the Nazis and the concentration camps. Most of the Jews he helped escape survived the war and they and their descendants settled in America, Canada, Australia and other countries. Zwartendijk and Sugihara were true heroes, and yet they were both shunned by their own countries after the war, and their courageous, unstinting actions have remained relatively unknown. Dutch author Jan Brokken wrests this heroic story from oblivion and traces the journeys of a number of the rescued Jews. This remarkable story is reconstructed with the help of Zwartendijk's children, documents and personal testimonies. It is also the story of the three other consuls and two ambassadors, all equally unknown, who together set up one of the greatest rescue operations of the 20th century. This should have been a Spielberg film. 478pp, well illus.

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ISBN 9781912854219

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Book number: 92737 Product format: Hardback Author: VLADIMIR ALEXANDROV
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LOST AT SEA: The Jon Ronson Mysteries
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JOAN BAEZ: The Last Leaf
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Book number: 92936 Product format: Paperback Author: MENACHEM KAISER

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Bibliophile price £3.75
Published price £14.99

Sub-titled 'A Memoir of Family Property and Stolen Nazi Treasure', this is an unputdownable tale of one man's quest to recover his family's property. The author takes up his Holocaust-survivor grandfather's former battle to reclaim their family's property in Sosnowiec, Poland. There, Menachem meets a Polish lawyer known as 'The Killer' who agrees to take his case and becomes involved with a band of Silesian treasure-seekers, all the while piecing together his family's complex history. '...Then I read the file, saw how my grandfather had tried and failed for more than 20 years to reclaim what his family had lost, and here was an opportunity, I thought, to allow myself to be disturbed. The building, maybe, was a means to access a history, a person, that I'd always thought inaccessible, immutably closed.' The devastating facts are chased down in this part travelogue, part memoir, part meditation on all that history hides from us. 277pp in large paperback.

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ISBN 9781911617495

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Book number: 92931 Product format: Paperback Author: ELEANOR FITZSIMONS
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Book number: 93605 Product format: Paperback Author: AMY TAN
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WORDS OF WISDOM: 12 Inspirational Designs
Book number: 93272 Product format: Paperback Author: DAVID & CHARLES
Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £6.99

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RESOLUTION: Two Brothers, a Nation in Crisis, a World at War

Book number: 92937 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID RUTLAND & EMMA ELLIS

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Bibliophile price £2.75
Published price £30

A two-generation saga of the Manners family, Resolution shares the history of John Masters, Marquis of Granby, who famously led a cavalry charge during the Seven Years' War and his two sons - Charles, who was involved in Whig politics and reconciling with American rebels during their War for Independence, and Robert, who embarked on a naval career and became the post-captain of the Resolution as he commanded a major line-of-battle ship in the largest British fleet ever to operate so far from home waters up to that date. Admire the achievements of the brothers, from Charles balancing the debates of the influence of British 'king and Parliament' in America, but also the seeming increase in 'Royal authority' in Britain at the expense of British people's own 'life, liberty and property', to Robert's improvement of the armed, 74-gun Resolution under his command which he wrote about, claiming it 'to be the fastest sailer of any line battle ship or frigate in the West Indies.' Discover how John Masters, Marquis of Granby, became a hero after the Seven Years War because he was, unusually for the time, generous and concerned for his men, giving him the titles of 'mob's hero' and 'father of the army' and inspiring works such as 'The British Hero', which was written by Richard Rolt and set to music by William Boyce. Learn how Granby was passionate about fox hunting at Belvoir Castle and breeding racehorses at the family sitting Chevely Park in Cambridgeshire, and find out how he struggled in the political sphere as he would 'tremble like a woman' whenever he was about to public speak - despite holding an elected seat in the House of Commons. The lives of the two brothers are eloquently interwoven, whether writing about Charles' hesitation at ending the war with American rebels so promptly as it would blight his younger brother's chances at a rapid promotion, discussing how Charles' inheritance of land and title meant he could help young Robert accrue funds to live ashore in London and allow the brothers to grow closer, or reflecting on Charles' decision to stay at Cheveley Park to canvass on behalf of Robert's electoral prospects while he was at sea after 1780. Vivid images range from landscapes of an English man-of-war entering Portsmouth Harbour by Dominic Serres, 'A view of Belvoir Castle from the South West with Belvoir Hunt in Full Cry' by Thomas Badeslade in 1730, and 'The Battle of the Saintes', 12 April 1782 by Lieutenant William Elliott RN, to portraits including John Manners in the uniform of the Royal Horse Guards (the blues) by Sir Joshua Reynolds, a pastel commissioned by Granby of Charles aged eighteen by Hugh Douglas Hamilton in 1771, and Robert aged fourteen in midshipman's uniform by Hamilton completed in 1772 when Robert decided to join the Royal Navy. Family tree and glossary, maps, black and white and colour images, pagemarker, 482pp.

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ISBN 9781784979911

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