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Book number: 94844 Product format: Hardback Author: ALEXANDER MCCALL SMITH

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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £9.99

One of the bestselling adventure series for young readers with a pleasing collection of goodies, baddies and incompetent adults, McCall Smith's writing style is as charming and educational as ever. Join Ben and Fee MacTavish and the rest of the crew on the School Ship Tobermory as they set off for the Caribbean to explore some of the finest waters in the world for sailing, snorkelling, kitesurfing and diving. All this is soon interrupted when Captain Macbeth comes into possession of a mysterious nautical chart. When the map is stolen and a new recruit jumps ship, the friends decide to investigate but danger lies all around as they follow their quarry to the sinister Shark Island. 250pp lovely pen and ink illustrations.

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ISBN 9781780273945
Browse this category: Children's
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