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CAPITAL: Volumes One and Two

Book number: 71171 Product format: Paperback Author: KARL MARX

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Bibliophile price £5.00

Few writers have had a more demonstrable impact on the development of the modern world than has Karl Marx (1818-1883). Born in Trier into a middle-class Jewish family in 1818, by the time of his death in London in 1883, Marx claimed a growing international reputation. Of central importance then and later was his book Das Kapital, or, as it is known to English readers, simply Capital. Volume One of Capital was published in Paris in 1867. This was the only volume published during Marx's lifetime and the only to have come directly from his pen. Volume Two, published in 1884, was based on notes Marx left, but written by his friend and collaborator, Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). Readers from the 19th century to the present have been captivated by the unmistakable power and urgency of this classic of world literature. Marx's critique of the capitalist system is rife with big themes: his theory of 'surplus value', his discussion of the exploitation of the working class, and his forecast of class conflict on a grand scale. Marx wrote with purpose. As he famously put it, 'Philosophers have previously tried to explain the world, our task is to change it.' Paperback, 1136pp. New from Wordsworth.

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ISBN 9781840226997
Browse these categories as well: Literature & Classics, Wordsworth - Literature


Book number: 10735 Product format: Paperback Author: ALFRED TENNYSON

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Although Tennyson (1809-1892) has often been characterized as an austere, bearded patriarch and laureate of the Victorian age, his poems speak clearly to the imagination of the late 20th century. His mastery of rhyme, metre, imagery and mood communicate their dark, sensuous and sometimes morbid messages. Much given to melancholy and feelings of aching desolation, Tennyson's verse also carries clear messages of hope: 'Ring out the old, ring in the new', and 'Tis better to have loved and lost/Than never to have loved at all'. 640pp. Paperback.

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ISBN 9781853264146

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Book number: 23788 Product format: Paperback Author: CHARLES DICKENS

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Each of these short stories was written specifically for Christmas. They combine concern for social ills with the myths and memories of childhood and traditional Christmas spirit-lore. The stories include 'A Christmas Carol', 'The Chimes', 'The Battle of Life' and 'The Cricket on the Hearth.' 400 page Wordsworth paperback.

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ISBN 9781853262685
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Book number: 10736 Product format: Paperback Author: THOMAS HARDY

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Thomas Hardy started composing poetry in the heyday of Tennyson and Browning. He was still writing with unimpaired power sixty years later, when Eliot and Yeats were the leading names in the field. His extraordinary stamina and a consistent individuality of style and vision made him a survivor, immune to literary fashion. At the start of the twenty-first century his reputation stands higher than it ever did, even in his own lifetime. He is now recognised not only as a great poet, but as one who is widely loved. He speaks with directness, humanity and humour to scholarly or ordinary readers alike. 960pp. Paperback.

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ISBN 9781853264023
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Book number: 59978 Product format: Paperback Author: DANTE ALIGHIERI

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Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is one of the most important and innovative figures of the European Middle Ages. The 'Comedy' tells of the journey of a character who is at one and the same time both Dante himself and Everyman through the three realms of the Christian afterlife: Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. On this journey Dante's protagonist, and his reader, meet characters who are variously noble, grotesque, beguiling, fearful, ridiculous, admirable, horrific and tender, and through them he is shown the consequences of sin, repentance and virtue, as he learns to avoid Hell and, through cleansing in Purgatory, to taste the joys of Heaven. 566 pages, paperback.

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Book number: 68856 Product format: Paperback Author: Geoffrey Chaucer

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During his life, Geoffrey Chaucer (born c.1340) was courtier, diplomat, revenue collector, administrator, negotiator, overseer of building projects, landowner and knight of the shire. He was servant, retainer, husband, friend and father. Whilst he was doing and 'being' all of these things, he was writing. Not only did he write in English - for princes, friends, family and, presumably, for his own pleasure - but his knowledge of French and Italian enabled him to engage with the works of notable French poets such as Eustache Deschamps, and also with the Italian works of Petrarch, Dante and Boccaccio, an understanding which he used to enrich and develop his own language. It was Boccaccio's Decameron which inspired Chaucer, in the 1390s, to begin work on The Canterbury Tales, which was still unfinished at his death in October 1400. It tells the story of a group of 30 pilgrims who meet at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, on the south bank of the Thames opposite the city of London, and travel together to visit the then famous shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury cathedral. The tavern host, who accompanies them, suggests that they amuse one another along the way by telling stories. There will be a prize for this: the best storyteller will get a free meal in the tavern on their return. The stories told by the pilgrims range from bawdy comedies through saints' lives and moral tracts to courtly romances, but are always delivered with a generous helping of Chaucer's own sly wit and ironic humour. Although based on the stereotypes of 'estates satire', his pilgrims appear as individuals who can be recognised by their audience. Chaucer succeeds in his aim of producing an overview of his times and their culture, for posterity, in the manner of Italian, proto-Renaissance, writers. In the decades after his death, Chaucer was recognised and elevated by a new generation of writers to a position of prominence in the emerging canon of English writing, from which he ultimately became known as 'the Father of English Literature'. This transcription and edition is taken from British Library MS Harley 7334, produced within ten years of Chaucer's death. The aim of this edition, with on-page notes and glosses, is to enable readers with little or no previous experience of Medieval English to read and enjoy this landmark in English Literature. 745pp in Wordsworth paperback.

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Book number: 10627 Product format: Paperback Author: WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM

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William Wordsworth (1770-1850) is the foremost of the English Romantic poets. He sought to write in the language of ordinary men and women, of ordinary thoughts, sights and sounds, and his early poetry represents this fresh approach to his art. Wordsworth spent most of his adult life in the Lake District with his sister Dorothy and his wife Mary, by whom he had four children. His remarkable autobiographical poem The Prelude, completed in 1805, is included in this full edition of Wordsworth's poetry. 906pp. Paperback.

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ISBN 9781853264016
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Book number: 65529 Product format: Paperback Author: E.F. BENSON

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Bibliophile price £4.00

These three wonderful comic novels, Mapp and Lucia, Lucia's Progress and Trouble for Lucia, drolly record the battle between Lucia and Elisabeth Mapp for social and cultural supremacy in the village of Tilling (based on Rye). Their constant skirmishes ensure that every game of bridge, tea or dinner-party, church service, council meeting or art-exhibition are thrilling encounters that ensure Tilling is always on 'a very agreeable rack of suspense'. Both Elisabeth and Lucia are gross hypocrites, snobs and bullies, the huge differences in temperament and style ensure the battle is usually unequal. Elisabeth is incurably mean-spirited and Lucia suffers from splendid delusions of grandeur and personal prestige. Driven by demons of revenge, Elisabeth always acts impulsively, and therefore every revelation of her meanness allows Lucia, the consummate actress, to kill her ally with a sickening kindness. In his insightful Introduction Keith Carabine shows that these books are excruciatingly funny because Benson, like Jane Austen, invites the reader to view the world through the self-deluded chronic anger and jaundiced suspicions of Elisabeth and through the self-deluded fabrications and day-dreams of Lucia. Carabine also concentrates on the novels’ disturbing, bitchy, ‘camp’ humour whenever 'that horrid thing which Freud calls sex is raised'. 665 page Wordsworth paperback.

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