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PSYCHIC POWERS: Unlock Your Natural Intuition

Book number: 94146 Product format: Hardback Author: SAHAR HUNEIDI-PALMER

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Bibliophile price £8.99

Paranormal perception, pre-feeling, perception of time, linear and circular time, time travel, rewriting the past with a visualisation technique, types of psychic abilities, the four clairs, clairvoyants (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing). Check in with your body and learn tips for writing a powerful affirmation. Study your auric field through energy fields, high senses and interconnected universe, multi-dimensional reality, and sensing chakras. Develop your own intuition through self awareness, keeping an open mind, starting a creative hobby, a dream journal, listening to binaural sounds, chanting, candle flames and trees. At least 5,000 years have elapsed since the first attempt to speak with the dead or make future prophecies. For example the Ancient Egyptians used 'scrying' to read patterns created by dropping ink into water. The Mesopotamians did the same with oil, and after tea was discovered as a beverage in 2727BC, the Ancient Chinese began reading tea leaves. This beautiful book is your window into the world of psychic powers, telepathy and astral projection and you can even learn the art of channelling through automatic writing. 208 beautifully decorated gilt-edged golden pages. Gold blocked hardback. New full price publication.

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ISBN 9781398807969

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MANIFEST: Find Your Power
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BOOK LOVER'S QUIZ BOOK: Novel Conundrums
Book number: 94808 Product format: Hardback Author: Gary Wigglesworth
Bibliophile price £5.75
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Browse these categories as well: New Age & Occult, Mythology, Psychology & Sociology


Book number: 94835 Product format: Hardback Author: Liz Dean

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £14.99

'50 Signs, Symbols and Practices from the Natural World to Bring Inner Peace, Protection and Good Fortune', from a feather to a fallen leaf or a pebble on the beach, we are all drawn to collect natural charms. It is a living symbol of your wishes and this book is an invitation to collect and create your own natural charms for protection, personal insight, good fortune and healing. From a herb sprig or a fallen twiglet or shell, the book features folklore, symbology and practical rituals, alongside ancient crafts and modern techniques and how to use the gifts to make charms, talismans, amulets, altars and natural mandalas. Work with plants, trees, herbs, feathers, shells and stones, and for each there is a beautiful colour or line artwork and fact boxes for techniques such as making a altar to the sea, pressing seaweed and finding the significance of the crow for wisdom, the shadow self, courage, transformation and magic or the robin, a sign from a loved one in spirit. Exquisitely designed, full of colour and colourful pages, 240 natural pages full of wishes and blessings.

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ISBN 9781789563054

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STATUS GAME: On Social Position and How We Use It

Book number: 94910 Product format: Hardback Author: Will Storr

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Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price £20

How can our unquenchable thirst for status explain cults, moral panics, conspiracy theories, the rise of social media and the 'culture wars' of today?' Bursting with insights into the hierarchy-crazed hellscape of a world shaped by social media, this book confirms Will Storr's own status as a master storyteller.' - Helen Lewis. What drives our political and moral beliefs? What makes us like some things and dislike others? What shapes how we behave and misbehave in groups? What makes you, you? For centuries, philosophers and scholars have described human behaviour in terms of sex, power and money. Will Storr radically turns this thinking on its head by arguing that it is our irrepressible craving for 'status' that ultimately defines who we are. When we exist as workers in the globalised economy, and citizens of online worlds, the need for status has always been wired into us. This dramatically affects not only our happiness and wellbeing but also our physical health. Without sufficient status we become more ill and live shorter lives. It's an unconscious obsession that drives the best and worst of us - our innovation, arts and civilisation as well as our murders, wars and genocides. Storr takes us on a breathtaking journey through time and culture and he is one of the finest science writers being published today. 405pp.

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ISBN 9780008354633

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MERMANIA: The Little Book of Mermaids
Book number: 94669 Product format: Hardback Author: RACHEL FEDERMAN
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REN: The Ancient Chinese Art of Finding Peace and Fulfilment

Book number: 95029 Product format: Hardback Author: YEN OOI

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Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £12.99

A beautiful look at the Ancient Chinese philosophy of Rén and how it can help us with our hectic modern lives. The Chinese character Rén combines the word for 'person' and the number 'two', representing human connection. In the teachings of ancient philosopher Confucius, Rén is the study of our relationship with those around us. This practical, beautiful and remarkable book explains the various facets and explores how it applies to everything from our relationship with ourselves, people in our lives, to how we relate to society and the wider world and how we can connect better with family, friends and colleagues and become helpful members of society and find fulfilment in ideas of community, justice, morality and compassion. It looks at roles of being independent, mindful empathy, doing something new, loyalty and trust, thoughtful criticisms, respect, multiple roles, appreciating calm and better understanding ourselves through the people around us. There are activities like smiling at strangers, changing habits and along the way useful quotations to ponder such as from The Analects: 'The learned is ashamed when their words overshadow their actions.' Easy to dip into, beautifully designed and presented, line art. 256pp.

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ISBN 9781787398221

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HOW TECHNOLOGY WORKS: The Facts Visually Explained
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CRYSTALS: Illustrated Guide and 7-Piece Crystal Kit

Book number: 94814 Product format: Hardback Author: IGLOO BOOKS

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Bibliophile price £7.75
Published price £14.99

Each measuring nearly 1" diameter are real semi-precious stones including the beautiful golden and amber striped Tiger's eye (root), Red Jasper (solar plexus), Green Aventurine (heart), Turquoise (throat), Clear Quartz (crown), Amethyst (third eye) and Red Carnelian (sacral). For energy, concentration, sleep, pain relief, stress, negativity, centring, relaxation, healing, meditation, learn to use your crystals to recharge yourself and change the energy of your world. A must have guide, this is a beautiful set at an incredible price. 64 page colour guidebook, seven real stones, boxed.

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ISBN 9781837710164
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HISTORY OF COURTSHIP: 800 Years of Seduction Techniques

Book number: 95098 Product format: Paperback Author: TANIA O'DONNELL

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Bibliophile price £6.75
Published price £12.99

Falling in love is exciting but it can too easily turn to disillusionment. Courtship means the rituals that prolong and preserve the magic, and in the medieval age of chivalry the rules of courtly love meant that the adoring knight never attained the beloved's favour. The author of this comprehensive guide to courtship, or should we call it seduction, starts with courtly love, though she points out that the idea of finding your "other half" goes back to Plato. In most earlier times, you were expected to find a mate in your immediate circle, but nowadays people travel to find romance and a significant proportion look for a partner online. Being late for a date is not a good look in the 21st century, but for most of the period under discussion people had no clocks and only the vaguest idea what time it was. With the loss of millions of young men in World War I, women began to see courtship as a competitive arena, taking the initiative themselves as feminism also endorsed women's equality. Marriage has often been a contested area, as private vows exchanged between a couple were deemed legally binding in the 15th century and later, without the interference of the Church, while sex has never been constrained by formal vows. Dancing has a long history of being an opportunity for courtship, with a famous example being Mr Darcy's refusal to dance with the heroine Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, though our hero later recants his rudeness. The author covers seductive clothing, love tokens, selling sex, love poems, and finally a chapter on "How to be a good life partner". 137pp, paperback, numerous black and white reproductions.

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ISBN 9781781593486
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Book number: 95100 Product format: Paperback Author: STEPHEN JAKOBI

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £12.99

Four women convicted of murder in the late 19th and 20th centuries come under the forensic scrutiny of former lawyer Stephen Jakobi, who looks at newly discovered evidence surrounding their trials and asks whether each of them could be a serial killer linked with other unsolved murders. Agnes Norman was a nursery maid sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for the attempted murder of 10-year-old Charles Parfitt, but she was acquitted of the death of Jesse Jane Beer, even though her trial brought to light startling new evidence from other employers. The deaths of four infants in her care between 1869 - 1871 is compellingly circumstantial, but although experts demonstrated that Jesse had been suffocated, it was impossible to prove that the death was not accidental. Agnes's residence with these employers also saw the deaths of three dogs, three cats, 19 pet birds and numerous goldfish. Louie Calvert in West Yorkshire had a career as a petty criminal before she murdered her employer William Frobisher, followed four years later by the murder of her housemate Lily Waterhouse. Jakobi makes a strong case for Calvert as also being the murderer of Florence Hargreaves, an unsolved case. Kate Webster started in petty crime and in 1879 went as a cook to Mrs Thomas of Richmond. Soon afterwards Webster was seen dressed in her employer's clothes and asked an acquaintance to help her with carrying a heavy bag, which subsequently turned out to contain body parts. The author speculates that Kate, who had numerous aliases, may have been the unidentified Thames Torso murderer of a few years earlier. Finally "Mrs Willis" had numerous identities but her murders as a baby farmer in 1907 led to her execution later that year. 147pp, paperback, photos.

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ISBN 9781526709714
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WATKINS TAROT HANDBOOK: A Practical System of Self-Discovery

Book number: 95142 Product format: Paperback Author: NAOMI OZANIEC

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Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price £14.99

The images of the Tarot feed the reflective and contemplative instincts and act as doorways leading into the realm of Ageless Wisdom. Too long sidelined by an association with fortune-telling, initiation and individuation are key parts of the Tarot's instruction in the divine path. Initiation is the crossing of the threshold to take responsibility for all aspects of our life and being, with grief, loss, trauma and joy all influencing the way we think and feel. An excellent starting point for disciples is Jung's model of the Four Functions: Thinking, Intuition, Sensation and Feeling, corresponding with the Suit of Swords, the Suit of Wands, the Suit of Discs and the Suit of Cups. The author suggests using the cards in the Elemental Court for exercises in visualisation which will change your life. The Tree of Life is divided into 32 paths and 10 sephiroth, emanations or states of consciousness, represented in a multi-dimensional map illustrating the Hermetic maxim "as above, so below", with Malkuth, the kingdom, symbolising the world in which we live. The three Pillars of the Tree are severity, mercy and equilibrium. Meditation within the Tarot opens the intuitive mind, and a typical meditation will focus on one of the Tarot Trumps. The Fool, Tarot Trump 0, the Spirit of Aether, is at the centre of an illustrative visualisation, dressed in motley, neither male nor female and journeying between levels bearing the triple flame, the Shin, an elemental fire. Seven archetypes are associated with the Tarot Trumps: journey and death, masculine and feminine, hero and adversity, all with Self at the centre. This is a practical and comprehensive guide to using the Tarot. 189pp, paperback, glossary, diagrams and drawings.

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ISBN 9781786786678
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Book number: 95225 Product format: Hardback Author: Amy Lawlor Levine

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £12.99

'A Journal for Reflections on Life and Guidance for Settling Your Affairs', here is a step-by-step guide to creating a plan for your last days, and sharing your intentions with loved ones. Whether you have written your Will or not, this comprehensive and compassionate guide on the topic of death and dying will prompt reflection and personal stories, and the journal encourages you to look back and create a legacy of memories and life lessons to share with family. Beautifully designed, it provides space for vital information to manage your personal, financial and business affairs including personal information, key contacts, family, executor, primary care provider, healthcare power of attorney. It looks at who to contact and when, arrangements, obituary, Will, burial plans, readings, music and memorials. It looks at dependents and plans for their care, pets and vets, debts and life insurance, what beneficiaries can expect, where your important documents may be found, utilities and accounts and passwords and email accounts, your home, garden, vehicles, heirlooms, valuables, safes and your personal wishes and who has access to this book. The journal has an envelope for storing additional items and die-cut colourful tabs for ease of navigation like Last Wishes, Funeral Plans, Possessions, Finance, Contacts. 160pp, 19.5 x 25.3cm, colour pages.

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ISBN 9781631067693
Browse these categories as well: How To, Psychology & Sociology, Health & Beauty


Book number: 94260 Product format: Hardback Author: JOHANNES FIEBIG, MARY K. GREER

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Bibliophile price £100.00
Published price £

A unique edition of bright texts, brilliant images, and historic facsimile reprints of the 1910 originals, this kit provides everything that both beginners and advanced Tarot users might need and want to read cards for themselves and to study and experience this cultural gem in all its beauty and significance. The valuable collector's box includes a complete deck of the Waite Smith Tarot cards and Waite's famous companion book The Key to the Tarot. In this illustrated book, with texts and images compiled by Johannes Fiebig, the Tarot cards become psychological mirrors and signposts leading toward new answers and personal solutions. The fact that this works well can be attributed to certain advantages inherent to the Waite-Smith cards, and these points are illuminated in an essay by Rachel Pollack. All 78 cards are presented individually and in detail. The explanatory texts provide several dimensions and levels of interpretation, including concrete practical tips. Further, the book offers a new feature: the quick check. This presents a concise hint regarding the meaning of each card in each possible position of all the spread patterns featured in the book. When Arthur E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith developed their Tarot deck in London in 1909, nobody could have predicted that it would have an overwhelming renaissance starting around 60 years later. What were the lives, works, and passions of these creators like? Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur E. Waite are brought vividly back to life in essays by Mary K. Greer and Robert A. Gilbert. Hardcover with quality linen style cloth binding, deck with 78 cards and facsimile book in a clamshell slipcase box with a real The World Tarot card tipped in onto the cover. 23 x 28.7cm (11.3 x 9.3"), super heavy at 3 kg (6.61 lb), 444 pages. Brand new from Taschen.

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ISBN 9783836586429
Browse these categories as well: New Age & Occult, Psychology & Sociology, Art and Photography from Taschen publishers
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