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DRAW BREATH: The Art of Breathing

Book number: 94405 Product format: Hardback Author: TOM GRANGER

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Bibliophile price £8.00
Published price £14.99

Divided into three parts, Body, Mind and Spirit, with each expanding on the last, this is a book that so many of us need for our nervous system and mind. Sub-titled 'The Art of Breathing, Mindfulness and Meditation', take this book, pick up a pencil, draw breath and unleash your curiosity and creativity using over 200 guided patterns, shapes and mandalas. Explore a naturally relaxing, flowing breathing rhythm in a technique combining mindfulness, yoga and breathtaking art. There are quotations such as 'He who knows himself is enlightened' from Lao Tzu, lightbulb ideas, how to change your tune and switch frequencies, reframe your brain, get lost in thought, and begin naturally uplifting your mood with these handy tips, OM based on Hindu spirituality, circles of life and divine breath. Beautiful pink and blue art and text, satin pagemarker, 158pp, 75 beautiful illus. and 30 unique and easy activities.

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ISBN 9781787830332

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EAGLE AND THE WOLVES: Eagles of the Empire Book 4
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Book number: 94194 Product format: Hardback Author: BILLY CONNOLLY
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CLEOPATRA: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt
Book number: 94402 Product format: Paperback Author: ZAHI HAWASS & FRANCK GODDIO
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Book number: 94296 Product format: Paperback Author: J. B. PRIESTLEY

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £9.99

Detective stories read in bed, meeting a friend, sipping a gin and tonic, buying music, looking at an old photograph, playing charades, books and music and furnished houses, Shakespeare rediscovered, walking in a pine wood, frightening civil servants, family silliness and domestic clowning, playing with small children, looking through a stereoscope, planning travel, reading in bed about foul weather, comic characters, quietly malicious chairmanship, lawn tennis, orchestras tuning up, dancing, blossom, buying books, cooking picnics, departing guests. Each self-contained essay is a joy to read, a little 'delight', just as J. B. Priestley originally intended over 70 years ago. In 'Timeless Mornings' Priestley muses, 'There is one kind of morning in early summer that is for me very special, the most delightful of all mornings. The sun is up and blazing somewhere but not visible yet down here, where there is a lot of gold mist about and the birds are singing from lost thickets.' Unabridged, over 100 joys and pleasures in this 1949 classic. Reprinted paperback, 256pp.

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ISBN 9780008585709
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Book number: 94712 Product format: Paperback Author: SAM KNIGHT

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Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £12.99

This Sunday Times bestseller is the story of a strange experiment and a journey into the oddest corners of 1960s Britain and the outer edges of science and reason. Premonitions are impossible, but they come true all the time. You think of a forgotten friend and out of the blue they call. But what if you knew that something terrible was going to happen? A sudden flash, the words CHARING CROSS. Four days later, a packed express train comes off the rails outside the station. A fire in a department store or an assassination. What if you could share your vision and prevent a disaster? In 1966 John Barker, a psychiatrist working in an outdated British mental hospital, set out to investigate this very idea and established The Premonitions Bureau. He would find a network of hundreds of correspondents, from bank clerks to ballet teachers. Among them were two unnervingly gifted 'percipients'. Together the pair predicted plane crashes, assassinations and international incidents with uncanny accuracy. And then they informed Barker of their most disturbing premonition - that he was about to die. The book is an enthralling true story of madness and wonder, science and the supernatural, a journey to the most powerful and unsettling reaches of the human mind. 250pp, illustrated paperback.

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ISBN 9780571374830

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Book number: 94848 Product format: Paperback Author: PHILIP HOUSTON ET AL
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THINK AND GROW RICH: The Secret to Freedom and Success
Book number: 94443 Product format: Paperback Author: NAPOLEON HILL
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NATURE OF SEX: Ins & Outs of Mating in The Animal Kingdom
Book number: 94485 Product format: Hardback Author: DR CARIN BONDAR
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PSYCHIC POWERS: Unlock Your Natural Intuition

Book number: 94146 Product format: Hardback Author: SAHAR HUNEIDI-PALMER

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Bibliophile price £8.99

Paranormal perception, pre-feeling, perception of time, linear and circular time, time travel, rewriting the past with a visualisation technique, types of psychic abilities, the four clairs, clairvoyants (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing). Check in with your body and learn tips for writing a powerful affirmation. Study your auric field through energy fields, high senses and interconnected universe, multi-dimensional reality, and sensing chakras. Develop your own intuition through self awareness, keeping an open mind, starting a creative hobby, a dream journal, listening to binaural sounds, chanting, candle flames and trees. At least 5,000 years have elapsed since the first attempt to speak with the dead or make future prophecies. For example the Ancient Egyptians used 'scrying' to read patterns created by dropping ink into water. The Mesopotamians did the same with oil, and after tea was discovered as a beverage in 2727BC, the Ancient Chinese began reading tea leaves. This beautiful book is your window into the world of psychic powers, telepathy and astral projection and you can even learn the art of channelling through automatic writing. 208 beautifully decorated gilt-edged golden pages. Gold blocked hardback. New full price publication.

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ISBN 9781398807969

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Book number: 91474 Product format: Paperback Author: KEVIN SKINNER
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Book number: 94835 Product format: Hardback Author: Liz Dean

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £14.99

'50 Signs, Symbols and Practices from the Natural World to Bring Inner Peace, Protection and Good Fortune', from a feather to a fallen leaf or a pebble on the beach, we are all drawn to collect natural charms. It is a living symbol of your wishes and this book is an invitation to collect and create your own natural charms for protection, personal insight, good fortune and healing. From a herb sprig or a fallen twiglet or shell, the book features folklore, symbology and practical rituals, alongside ancient crafts and modern techniques and how to use the gifts to make charms, talismans, amulets, altars and natural mandalas. Work with plants, trees, herbs, feathers, shells and stones, and for each there is a beautiful colour or line artwork and fact boxes for techniques such as making a altar to the sea, pressing seaweed and finding the significance of the crow for wisdom, the shadow self, courage, transformation and magic or the robin, a sign from a loved one in spirit. Exquisitely designed, full of colour and colourful pages, 240 natural pages full of wishes and blessings.

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ISBN 9781789563054

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Book number: 94294 Product format: Paperback Author: CLARE CARSON
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Book number: 94295 Product format: Paperback Author: ANTHONY POULTON-SMITH
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Book number: 94298 Product format: Paperback Author: STEFAN AHNHEM
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STATUS GAME: On Social Position and How We Use It

Book number: 94910 Product format: Hardback Author: Will Storr

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Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price £20

How can our unquenchable thirst for status explain cults, moral panics, conspiracy theories, the rise of social media and the 'culture wars' of today?' Bursting with insights into the hierarchy-crazed hellscape of a world shaped by social media, this book confirms Will Storr's own status as a master storyteller.' - Helen Lewis. What drives our political and moral beliefs? What makes us like some things and dislike others? What shapes how we behave and misbehave in groups? What makes you, you? For centuries, philosophers and scholars have described human behaviour in terms of sex, power and money. Will Storr radically turns this thinking on its head by arguing that it is our irrepressible craving for 'status' that ultimately defines who we are. When we exist as workers in the globalised economy, and citizens of online worlds, the need for status has always been wired into us. This dramatically affects not only our happiness and wellbeing but also our physical health. Without sufficient status we become more ill and live shorter lives. It's an unconscious obsession that drives the best and worst of us - our innovation, arts and civilisation as well as our murders, wars and genocides. Storr takes us on a breathtaking journey through time and culture and he is one of the finest science writers being published today. 405pp.

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ISBN 9780008354633
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