51 - 60 of 83 results

SEJANUS: Regent of Rome

Book number: 94420 Product format: Hardback Author: JOHN MCHUGH

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Bibliophile price £11.00
Published price £25

Sejanus was feared, loathed, despised and loved, but he was above all a consummate and immensely gifted politician. He became a master of all through his control of imperial gifts and honours due to the increasing reluctance of Tiberius to fulfil his role as Emperor. Tiberius had become increasingly frustrated by the futility of encouraging the Senate to take responsibility for the governance of the Empire. In Ancient Rome, power lay in the ability to distribute resources, wealth, offices and honours, and Sejanus filled the space once occupied by his master. He is presented in our overwhelmingly hostile sources as a sinister figure, consumed by ambition who used proxies to eliminate his rivals. L Aelius Sejanus was born around 20BC into a world of intense political, social and economic change while the fabric of the old traditional Roman order and Republican aristocracy was decimated by years of civil war. The infamous Praetorian Prefect Sejanus is now synonymous with over-reaching ambition, murder, conspiracy and betrayal. The traditional storyline is that he craved the imperial throne for himself and isolated the naïve Emperor in his island pleasure palace on Capri while using his control over the Praetorian Guard, coupled with his immense power and influence in Rome to purge the capital of potential opponents. His victims supposedly included the emperor's son Drusus, poisoned by his own wife who had been seduced by Sejanus. The Emperor, warned of Sejanus' ambition, struck first, and the Prefect was arrested in the Senate, strangled, and his corpse cast down the Gemonian Stairs. A fresh reappraisal, 312pp, colour photos and timeline.

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ISBN 9781526714978

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ROMAN LITERARY CULTURE: From Plautus to Macrobius
Book number: 92693 Product format: Paperback Author: ELAINE FANTHAM
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Book number: 93054 Product format: Hardback Author: DIAN HANSON
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Book number: 94285 Product format: Paperback Author: ROBERT LOW
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BLOOD AND RUINS: The Last Imperial War, 1931-1945
Book number: 94349 Product format: Hardback Author: RICHARD OVERY
Bibliophile price £14.00
Published price £30
Book number: 95154 Product format: Hardback Author: ROB HARPER
Bibliophile price £10.00
Published price £25

Browse these categories as well: History, Historical Biography

FOR GOD AND GLORY: Lord Nelson and His Way of War

Book number: 94359 Product format: Paperback Author: JOEL HAYWARD

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Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price £24.95

Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson was a legend and a cult figure in his lifetime, an inspirational commander whose "band of brothers" knew that he would not ask them to do anything he would not undertake himself. Going to sea as a 12-year-old midshipman, he worked his way up and was enjoying semi-retirement with his wife Fanny when recalled to fight the French in the wake of the Revolution, culminating in the triumphant Battle of the Nile where not a single British ship was lost. His subsequent brutal persecution of revolutionaries in Naples was a low point, and by this time Nelson had embarked on his scandalous affair with Lady Emma Hamilton. Finally at Trafalgar in 1805 he defeated Napoleon decisively. This fascinating book examines Nelson's strengths and weaknesses as a commander and strategist. His patriotism was not of a jingoistic sort, but rather in line with Kennedy's famous words "ask what you can do for your country". He had a constant concern for the impact of war on his crews and on ordinary civilians. Nelson was not an effective commander in land or land-sea engagements, but he was a fast learner and rarely made the same mistake twice. He had initiative and moral courage, although the author wryly remarks that someone like Nelson with supreme self-confidence, upright (and sometimes uptight) ethics, insubordinate habits, a scandalous lifestyle, plus severe injuries and acute hypochondria, would never rise in the services to take senior command today. The author examines his strategic decisions in the context of the modern warfighting theory called Manoeuvre Warfare, where results are achieved by constant movement, as in the Battle of the Nile, rather than head-on confrontation. The Admiral's spiritual beliefs played an important role in his morale, and he often dismissed his enemies as atheistic mobs, particularly the French Revolutionaries. 250pp, paperback, glossary, orders of battle, illus.

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ISBN 9781612517797

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CORNWALL: Romans to Victorians
Book number: 90674 Product format: Paperback Author: DEREK TAIT
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HAPPY DOGGIES: A5 Spiral Bound Notebook
Book number: 93811 Product format: Hardback Author: PAGE PUBLICATIONS
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Book number: 93822 Product format: Unknown Author: ABRAMS NOTERIE & ANITA RUNDLES
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Book number: 93823 Product format: Unknown Author: GALISON
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Book number: 94267 Product format: Unknown Author: THE GIFTED STATIONERY COMPANY
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Browse these categories as well: War & Militaria, Historical Biography


Book number: 94364 Product format: Hardback Author: NANCY GOLDSTONE

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Bibliophile price £11.00
Published price $32

Maria Theresa was the first Holy Roman Empress to rule in her own right. Her father, Charles VI, changed the law so that she could do so, and in 1740 at the age of 23, pregnant with her fourth child, Maria Theresa became Empress of the vast Habsburg empire, with lands covering the modern Germany, Syria, former Czechoslovakia and part of the Netherlands. She immediately had to face an alliance between her neighbours Protestant Prussia and Catholic France as the War of the Austrian Succession got under way, and faced by a coalition against her, Maria Theresa played them off against each other, offering territory in her efforts to persuade one of them to break the alliance. Frederick of Prussia was willing to do so in return for Silesia, but wanted it kept secret. By 1757 she felt she was winning. Meanwhile her daughters Maria Christina ("Mimi"), Maria Carolina ("Charlotte") and Marie Antoinette had made dazzling marriages to European royalty, though the latter ended very badly. This book examines in depth the extent to which the fate of each of the daughters was influenced by the battles and family relationships between each other and with their mother. After attracting the lesbian attentions of her sister-in-law Isabella of Parma, Mimi fell in love with her cousin Albert of Saxony. At first she was thwarted by dynastic considerations, but the sudden death of her father paved the way. She became governor-general of the Austrian Netherlands. Maria Carolina, "Charlotte", was married by proxy to the King of Naples following the death of one sister and disfiguration from smallpox of another, and found the intimacy of marriage an unhappy experience, but she gained Ferdinand's confidence by pretending to love him, and quickly became the effective ruler of Naples. Marie Antoinette was also married by proxy, at the age of 14, to the King of France and her marriage, like her sister's, was made problematic by the unreliable character of her husband, who was to become Louis XVI. Glamorous and ambitious, she became the most famous princess in history. As the country's financial crisis cemented hostility to the ruling family, the French Revolution got under way. Marie Antoinette's sister Mimi had to flee Brussels, but Marie Antoinette's husband left it too late and the royal family was captured as they headed for rural France. The backdrops are the brilliant courts of Vienna to Versailles, the exotic lure of Naples and Sicily. 616pp, colour photos, maps.

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ISBN 9780316449335

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Book number: 94223 Product format: Paperback Author: MARTIN WALKER
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GIVE UNTO OTHERS: A Commissario Guido Brunetti Mystery
Book number: 93877 Product format: Hardback Author: DONNA LEON
Bibliophile price £6.50
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Book number: 93884 Product format: Hardback Author: DONNA LEON
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Book number: 94216 Product format: Paperback Author: MARTIN WALKER
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Published price £9.99
LIT STITCH: 25 Cross-Stitch Patterns for Book Lovers
Book number: 94775 Product format: Paperback Author: BOOK RIOT & SHAWNA TANG
Bibliophile price £8.00
Published price £13.99

Browse these categories as well: Historical Biography, History

PRINCE OF DHARMA: The Illustrated Life of the Buddha

Book number: 94378 Product format: Hardback Author: RANCHOR PRIME & B. G. SHARMA

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Bibliophile price £17.50
Published price £55

With over 60 stunning plates of original art, this is a bold and glorious rendering of the life of the Buddha by author Ranchor Prime who brings to life the inspired work of award-winning artist B. G. Sharma with a sensitive, immensely readable and rarely seen biography of the Buddha. From his birth as a prince to his final lesson in achieving nirvana, Sharma captures it all. Ornamented throughout are quotes from A Dhammapada for Contemplation by Ajahn Munindo. "An exquisite rendering of the Buddhist story. As if the beauty of the Blessed One could step out of modern India's best paintings into your hands." - Jack Kornfield. What do we really know about the life of Siddhartha, who later became known as the Buddha? What challenges did he encounter along his path to the Bodhi Tree? He lived in northern India in the 5th century BC as a Hindu prince who fled a life of luxury to live an ascetic life as a wandering monk. During his lifetime he established a substantial following and was known for performing miracles and traditionally his teachings have emphasised compassion and forbearance, summarised in his sermons and in the Dhammapada. His life is reflected within these ornately illustrated pages. 30.48cm squared, first edition, 208pp. Modern Moghul-inspired exquisitely colourful illustrations throughout this glamorous publication.
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9781886069817

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RAMAYANA: A Tale of Gods and Demons
Book number: 94380 Product format: Paperback Author: RANCHOR PRIME & B. G. SHARMA
Bibliophile price £17.50
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Book number: 94198 Product format: Hardback Author: SIMON READ
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CLEOPATRA: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt

Book number: 94402 Product format: Paperback Author: ZAHI HAWASS & FRANCK GODDIO

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Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price £17.99

Written by the inimitable Zahi Hawass in collaboration with underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio, this richly illustrated book chronicles the life of Cleopatra and the centuries-long quest to learn more about the queen and her tumultuous era, the last pharaonic period of Egyptian history. A legendary temptress, Cleopatra has captivated the world for 2,000 years and here is her story, illustrated with stunning artefacts in book form for the first time ever. Gods and sphinxes, sacred objects of worship, priceless jewellery, and the simple relics of everyday life all saved from the desert or the sea, they bring back the humanity, culture and beliefs of the people who made them, and who served the empire ruled and lost by Queen Cleopatra. In a deep green sea, flanked by sphinxes on either side, a priest stands as if about to process through the murky water in a superb double page colour photograph. On coins we see the head of Ptolemy I, with diadem and aegis around his neck. Measuring nearly 5m tall and found in separate pieces in Heracleion's underwater ruins, a magnificent Ptolemaic king wears a double crown signifying the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the Pharoah. Made of red granite, there is a fantastic photograph of the researchers hoisting the immense statue out of the water. Basins, strainers, braziers, amphora, columns engraved with Greek descriptions, ancient documents and the gleaming golden jewellery collection are among the hundreds of colour photographs in this heavyweight softback of 256pp. 20.3 x 25cm.

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ISBN 9781426205453

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Book number: 94664 Product format: Hardback Author: DOMINIQUE ROQUES
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Book number: 94410 Product format: Paperback Author: EDITED BY CAROLYN VAUGHAN

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Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £15.99

'The Poetry, Letters and Art of The Great Master' here is a beautifully designed book with dozens of sketches, architectural drawings, facsimiles of poems and letters and finished works of art in glowing colour, a rare and revealing picture of Michelangelo, one of the towering figures of the Renaissance. Best known as a sculptor, painter and architect of exceptional genius, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling, David sculpture, and the dome of St Peter's Basilica are among the most celebrated artistic achievements of all time. He is also considered one of the greatest poets and writers of the 16th century, and his life is documented in revealing letters to family and friends. He also filled hundreds of sheets of paper with exquisite drawings, many of which form the basis for masterpieces. Many of those sketches of the human form served as studies for the ceiling. One of his sonnets describes how he stood up with his head tilted back to paint the ceiling, not lying on scaffolding as often thought. Along with these more technical insights, his letters also reveal aspects of his character which could be by turns proud, cranky, paranoid, and incisively wise, as well as his deep affection for the two great loves of his life. Nearly 500 letters written by him exist and a fair selection are reproduced here including correspondence with his friend and fellow artist Sebastiano del Piombo, Giorgio Vasari, not to mention popes, dukes, and Francis I, the King of France and letters about financial transactions or shipments, or advice about marriage. Above all he was an artist who drew and drew and drew on the backs of receipts, poems, letters he had received and drafts of his own letters. Curmudgeonly, yet Michelangelo did have a sense of humour as clearly on display in his satirical letter date December 1525 about a colossal statue of Pope Clement VII. Michelangelo lived to be 89 years old and lived through a century of upheaval in politics, religion, society and art, yet his letters rarely discuss his theories about his art but he often expresses his ideas about the making of sculpture. With beautiful quotations and many fine illustrations throughout 384 nicely designed pages with curved corners. Organised chronologically and selected by Carolyn Vaughan, former editor at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Softback.

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ISBN 9781579129798

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GOYA: Colour Library
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WALK THROUGH PARIS: A Radical Exploration
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BY ANY OTHER NAME: A Cultural History of The Rose
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WILD FLOWERS AND FLORA: An Illustrated Identifier
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BELOVED VISION: A History of Nineteenth Century Music
Book number: 94347 Product format: Hardback Author: STEPHEN WALSH
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Book number: 94529 Product format: Hardback Author: MARTA WEISS

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Bibliophile price £20.00
Published price £40

Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-79) was one of the most important and innovative photographers, criticised in her lifetime for her unconventional techniques. Right now a new exhibition with a modern photography is being staged at the National Portrait Gallery. She is now celebrated as a pioneering portraitist and to mark the bicentenary of her birth and the 150th anniversary of her first museum exhibition, the only one in her lifetime, held at the Victoria & Albert Museum in 1865, Bibliophile has got hold of this rare 2015 exhibition catalogue. Drawing on the V&A's significant collection of photographs acquired directly from Cameron and letters she wrote to the museum's founding director, Curator Marta Weiss tells the story of Cameron's artistic development and presents for the first time a group of photographs recently revealed to have belonged to her friend and mentor the artist G. F. Watts which shed light on previously unacknowledged aspects of Cameron's experimental approach. There is a modernity and contemporary spirit to her visual language and themes at a time when photography was still in its infancy. Her delicacy of touch is shown in her portraits of naked children, beautiful women with long flowing hair decorated with flowers and women portrayed not only as seductresses and paramours but as caring mothers and grandmothers with children and grandchildren, affection, caressing and kissing, and in home theatricals with mythological, biblical and allegorical scenes. She attached heavy swans' wings to children's shoulders and created great beauty in such tableau as King Ahasuerus and Queen Esther in Apocrypha, the bearded old man, the beauty resting on the shoulders of another woman captured so artistically. Simple and beautiful is the first example entitled Annie, 1864, a little girl of around seven years with unbrushed hair gazing wistfully as are many of these subjects. Page after page of sepia and black and white beautifully reproduced full page photographs. 224pp, marbled endpapers, cloth binding and silver tooling for the title, 26 x 22cm. The paperback sells at £30 and we have the glamorous hardback first edition with English intro and further text in German and French .
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9789461612311

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LOST ENGLAND 1870-1930
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ACCUMULATOR: The Revolutionary 30 Day Fitness Plan
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STAR TREK: The Official Poster Collection
Book number: 94173 Product format: Unknown Author: INSIGHT EDITIONS
Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price £19.99

Browse these categories as well: Art & Architecture, Historical Biography, First Editions


Book number: 94687 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID LOUGH

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Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price £30

Sub-titled 'Forty Years of Letters Between Winston Churchill and His Mother', carefully edited and put into their historical context by David Lough. The early letters sent home from boarding school constantly ask his parents for more money and foreshadow Churchill's later financial recklessnesses. His mother Jennie Lady Randolph Churchill corresponded with her young son age six, and in 1921 the year of her death, mother and son were still prolific letter writers. Over those 40 years, Churchill's life saw army service in India, escape from a Boer POW camp, his swift ascent from Conservative MP for Oldham to Liberal First Lord of the Admiralty, resignation in the wake of the debacle of Gallipoli, and eventual return to the Cabinet in 1917. His mother's life by contrast is an extravagant and indolent life of the monied classes touring the houses of aristocratic friends and taking advantage of their hospitality. Her second marriage flounders and she becomes a lonely figure. As Winston joins Asquith's Cabinet and meets his wife-to-be Clementine, Jennie is getting divorced and making faltering attempts to embark on a literary career. Winston's letters back from India, Egypt and the First World War trenches demonstrates his disregard for personal safety. The letters reflect Churchill's emotional, intellectual and political development as confided to his mother as his mentor and charts a mother-son relationship characterised at the outset by young Winston's dependence on Jennie, which is dramatically reversed as her life crumbles towards its end. Brimming with gossip, name-dropping and chutzpah, and populated by a cast of the great and good of late Victorian and Edwardian England, there are very illuminating introductions to each exchange. A beautifully designed and illustrated tome of 610pp with satin pagemarker.

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ISBN 9781786697707

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GARDEN WILDLIFE: Revealing Your Garden's Secrets
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CHANCERS: Scandal, Blackmail, and the Enigma Code
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EX LIBRIS JOURNAL: A Journal for Bookish Types
Book number: 93800 Product format: Hardback Author: BENJAMIN ENGLISH
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ULTIMATE COLIN WILSON: Writings on Mysticism
Book number: 94386 Product format: Paperback Author: EDITED BY COLIN STANLEY
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Book number: 94706 Product format: Paperback Author: WILLIAM NICHOLSON

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Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £13.99

'A Memoir of Enlightenment, Commerce, Politics, Arts and Science', this is the first publication of a memoir drafted 150 years ago by William Nicholson's eldest son, William Junior, who was 80 when he wrote the book in 1868. Nicholson is recognised among historians of science for his many contributions to electro-chemistry, cylindrical printing, slide rules and horology, and for launching the first monthly scientific journal in Britain: 'A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts.' His activities extended beyond science and encompassed work for the East India Company and Josiah Wedgwood, the establishment of a school in Soho Square, consulting as one of the earliest patent agents and as a civil engineer. His writing, translating and publishing was extensive, ranging from works on navigation and historical biographies to important scientific translations and textbooks. During a period of three revolutions, scientific, industrial and political, Nicholson managed to build a reputation as a trusted advisor and 'scientific umpire'. His circle included the radical liberals Joseph Johnson, Thomas Holcroft, William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft, industrial pioneers Josiah Wedgwood, Matthew Boulton, Jabez Hornblower and Richard Trevithick, scientific innovators Richard Kirwan, Humphry and John Davy, and establishment figures such as Sir Joseph Banks, Count Rumford, the 2nd Baron Camelford and Earl Dundonald. 124 page paperback.

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ISBN 9780720619577

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NELLIE: The Life and Loves of a Diva

Book number: 94709 Product format: Hardback Author: ROBERT WAINWRIGHT

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Bibliophile price £8.00
Published price £17.99

'Wainwright tells the story of the girl with the incredible voice who, by sheer force of her personality and power of her decibels, took the operatic world by storm and managed to escape from her violent husband.' - Daily Mail. This delightfully revisionist biography of Dame Nellie Melba rescues her from fusty Victorianism to analyse her struggles and resilience to overcome misogyny and social expectations and becoming one of history's greatest opera singers. Nellie Melba is remembered as a squarish, late middle-aged woman dressed in furs and large hats, an imperious Dame whose voice ruled the world for three decades and inspired a peach and raspberry dessert. She battled misogyny and perhaps would have preferred she stay a housewife in outback Queensland Australia rather than parade herself on stage. But she endured the violence of a bad marriage, was denied by scandal a true love with the would-be King of France, and suffered for more than a decade the loss of her only son - stolen by his angry, vengeful father. Despite these obstacles, Nellie built and maintained a career as an opera singer and businesswoman on three continents which made her one of the first international superstars. Award-winning biographer Wainwright presents a very different portrait of this great diva which celebrates both her musical contributions and her rich and colourful personal life. Includes many pictures including Nellie on her way to London in 1919 to reopen Covent Garden Opera House. 344pp.

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ISBN 9781838955090

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