Book number: 94733 Product format: Hardback Author: Robert Somerville

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £20

Sub-titled 'A Tale of Forgotten Elm Trees, Traditional Craft and Community Spirit' the book calls on us to discover our landscapes more intimately. When renowned craftsman Robert Somerville moved to Hertfordshire he discovered the unexpected rich landscape with wildlife and elm trees, and this wooded farmland inspired him as a life-long woodworker to revive the ancient tradition of hand-raising barns. The book follows the building of Carley Barn over the course of one year. Volunteers from all walks of life joined in, inspired to learn the ancient skill of building elm barns by hand, at its own quiet pace and in the company of others, while using timber from the local woods. The opening chapter reads like a prose poem: 'Immediately, in the absence of machine noise, you can hear what is going on as well as see it. You can hear background birdsong or the soughing of the wind in the branches of trees overhead as you work... A craft is more than a hobby or a trade, it is a way of giving life to things.' 'A bond developed between people born of goodwill, without the need for an economic contract.' In the words of Kate Humble 'A joyful reminder of why nature, being outside, being together and creating beauty is so good for the soul.' 260pp, wonderful line art such as sawing a tenon's shoulder and making mortice lines using dividers plus 16 pages of colour photos and an etching.

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ISBN 9781603589666

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