ANGELS OF DEATH: Murderous Medics, Nefarious Nurses

Book number: 93892 Product format: Paperback Author: AL CIMINO

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Bibliophile price £4.50

Medics and carers hold the lives of their patients in the balance. They see us at our most vulnerable, and we trust them utterly. When a syringe is produced, we know nothing of what it contains and is being injected into us. Yet there are those who abuse this trust in the medical profession and take advantage of their position to commit the most hideous crimes. Some kill because of a twisted sense of mercy. Others let their monstrous egos take over as they seek to become heroes by rescuing those they harmed themselves and then there are those who simply delight in the power over life and death. Whatever their motivation, these killers can go undetected for years, racking up huge body counts before they are finally discovered. In this book you will discover the atrocious acts of Charles Cullen, who is believed to have killed nearly 400 people during his 16 year stint as a nurse; Harold Shipman, who killed as many as 200 of his patients; Genene Jones who kept being hired even after babies continued to die under her watch; Donald Harvey, who murdered to 'ease the pain' of his victims, Mary Ann Cotton on Victorian times who buried three husbands, her mother and 12 children, Dr Thomas Neill Cream who may have been confessing to being Jack the Ripper as he was hung for multiple murders and poisonous prescriptions and many more. Illus, 240 page paperback.

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ISBN 9781398820500

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