Book number: 93260 Product format: Paperback Author: DAMIEN FINLAYSON

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Bibliophile price £3.75
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Even after it had been renamed the 'Alphabet Company' by an AIF wag, few soldiers on the Western Front had heard of the Australian Electrical and Mechanical Mining and Boring Company. Yet many knew the work of this tiny unit which numbered fewer than 300 at full strength. Despite its small size, its influence was enormous and spanned the entire British sector from the North Sea to the Somme. This is the story of the 'Alphabeticals' who, led by Major Victor Morse DSO, operated and maintained pumps, generators, ventilation fans, drilling equipment and other ingenious devices in extreme circumstances. Given the horrendous conditions in which the troops lived and fought, this equipment was desperately needed, as were the men who operated it often in the same nightmarish setting. This is the first account of this dynamic little unit whose history has been neglected for a century, and a story of the men, their machinery and extraordinary grit. They do not deserve to be forgotten. These 260 brave souls arrived in France with 13 electric generating sets, underground ventilation and water-pumping equipment, almost 40 portable drilling machines and large, steam-powered drilling machines and their work was increasingly prized, more and more equipment purchased, and more men trained in its operation in the frequently hot, cramped and smelly little dugouts, cellars or roughly constructed lean-tos. The very first image in this interesting history is of Brigadier General Robert 'Duckie' Napier Harvey, CB, CMG, DSO, Inspector of Mines for the BEF in France, responsible for all tunnelling companies. 329pp, many maps and archive photos throughout this Pen & Sword publication. Large softback, save £10.

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ISBN 9781526740182

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