
KINGS AND QUEENS: Amazing and Extraordinary Facts

Book number: 94722 Product format: Hardback Author: MALCOLM DAY

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Bibliophile price £9.99
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Which flamboyant king enjoyed wearing pink high heels? Which English Queen had 17 pregnancies but failed to produce an heir? From how Trojan Brutus may have been Britain's first king, the legendary Celtic founder of Bath Bladud who made Britain's first laws, holy wars and Boudicca, find out if Constantine the Great had a British grandfather, Arthur's role in a Somerset zodiac, and if the mystery of Sutton Hoo was this the state funeral of the Anglo Saxon King Redwald. Hadrian's Wall, Scottish monarchy, Alfred the Great, Eadwig the Lustful, Wessex pride, William 'Rufus' gets his comeuppance, uncrowned Queen Matilda mothers the Plantagenet dynasty, Henry II and his turbulent priest, King John, Edward I, Robert the Bruce, Edward III, Richard II, the murky rise of the House of Lancaster, Henry VI more monk than king, did Richard III really deserve his evil image? England's nine-day queen, brave Queen Elizabeth, Charles I and II, Mary distraught at having to marry unattractive William, the Georges and how sober William IV was a welcome relief, Victoria and beyond up to Elizabeth II, every king and queen of England is included, except for the young prince in the tower. New full price, 144pp, line art.

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ISBN 9781910821213

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