231 - 234 of 234 results

IN THE NAME OF THE GODS: The Mystery of Resonance

Book number: 93934 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID ELKINGTON

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Bibliophile price £15.00
Published price £24.99

What is the secret that links the Great Pyramid of Giza to Chartres cathedral? How was ancient man, with use of sound, able to lift huge slabs of granite over 85 tonnes in weight? How and where is the body of Jesus to be seen in Egypt? Did you know that the term Nazarene relates to a mystical Order rather than the place Nazareth, and that long before Jesus, Pythagoras and Buddha were members of this Order? Why does it all lead back to the great pyramid at Giza and to strange patterns within the sand that respond to certain types of sound? The book reveals one of the greatest secrets to be told. It is the key to some of the most puzzling enigmas of world history, religion and mythology. Everything that exists does so because of vibration. But understand the science of vibration, learn how to use it and you will have the key to, well, everything. Knowledge like that would be worth a lot of money. The Templars became immensely wealthy after their search for knowledge in the Middle East. If we wish to know what knowledge they found, we only have to look at what happened next - cathedrals, scores of them, erected across Europe. The Ancients knew the science of vibration and also the power of names, holy names such as Jesus, Mary, Anna. Versions of these three names can be found world-wide, predating Christianity by several thousand years. Elkington's astonishing book will change the way we regard the world, its history - and its future. Rich with colour plates including the Eagle Nebula and other illus, 525 pages.

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ISBN 9780953993000
Browse these categories as well: Religion & Philosophy, History, Science & Maths, Mythology


Book number: 94417 Product format: Hardback Author: TERRY TREADWELL

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Bibliophile price £12.50
Published price £25

We may well have heard of the Mastersons and Earps, but what about the Rangers, Sheriffs and other lawmakers in the early American West during its 19th century heyday? 'Treadwell starts with the first US Marshal, Robert Forsyth, who was also the first to die in service and then Colonel Charles Lynch who gave his name to extra-judicial punishment. One of the most famous and intimidating lawmen was 'Wild Bill' Hickok who was far from the upstanding citizen of popular culture. The town of Tombstone features in a group of tales involving various Earp brothers including Wyatt. Other famous names include Pat Garrett and Bat Masterson, Tom Smith, William Breakenridge, former slaves Bass Reeves and Grant Johnson, and the wonderfully named John Slaughter. There were Marshals, City Marshals, Constables, and County Sheriffs elected by citizens to keep the peace within the county. There were also the Texas Rangers and Arizona Rangers who operated under the jurisdiction of their respective State Governors and later US Marshals who were appointed by the President of the United States and had the authority to operate anywhere in the USA and deal with federal crime. These lawmen had to deal with the likes of the Dalton Gang, the James Brothers and the Rufus Buck Gang who thought nothing of raping and murdering innocent people just for the hell of it. These outlaws would frequently hide in Indian Territory where there was no law to extradite them. There Judge Isacc Parker administered the rules with an iron fist - the gallows at Fort Smith laid testament to his work. Peace in the Wild West was often determined only by the individual's skill with a gun and their courage. 246pp, many historical photos.

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ISBN 9781526782335
Browse these categories as well: Crime, History


Book number: 90045 Product format: Hardback Author: CHARLES OLIVER

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Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £12.99

Sub-titled 'Secrets and Recipes from the reign of Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II' this melting pot of anecdotes, photographs and recipes is written by Charles Oliver who was in royal service for more than 60 years. If you have ever pondered what Queen Victoria ate for breakfast, George V's preferences for pudding, the formal proceedings of a state supper, the intimate affair of afternoon tea and an insight into the history of royal cooking, here are anecdotes and menus that span three generations of royal dining. The selection of menus are those used at actual royal events alongside a series of exclusive private photographs of the royal family, all about the rules and protocols, how guests should be seated and that Her Majesty's only dislike her Head Chef Charles Mellis can recall is her dislike of grapefruit. The Queen and Prince Philip enjoy fairly light meals and a typical royal menu would be smoked Scottish salmon and Cornish lobster, grilled fillet of beef maître d'hotel, accompanied by buttered French beans, a macédoine of vegetables, fried potatoes and salad, followed by vanilla cream parfait, cheese and cream crackers, celery hearts, fresh fruit and coffee. Here are recipes like Poulet au Riz, Dinde Rôtie Palace with sausage meat, Potato Croquettes, Asparagus Sauce Chantilly and Millefeuilles aux Pommes. There is a wonderful photograph of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother in full Highland dress on page 144 and a very relaxed young Queen Elizabeth in front of a huge open fire, also in Scotland, the young Prince Charles and Princess Anne, and relaxed shots in the garden with the corgis, plus after-dinner rituals in the dining room at Balmoral and plenty of personal information based on Charles Oliver's personal recollections. He died in 1965. We dish up 219 decadent pages, many photos and line art.

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ISBN 9781786065162
Browse these categories as well: Last Chance to buy!, History, Food & Drink/Cookery

BIRMINGHAM: The Workshop of the World

Book number: 94334 Product format: Hardback Author: Carl Chinn and Malcolm Dick

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Bibliophile price £9.00
Published price £35

England's second city has been a manufacturing powerhouse since Anglo-Saxon times, yet it is not a port and has no local mineral deposits of the kind that powered the Industrial Revolution. For its expansion into a major city, Birmingham relied on the talents and hard work of communities of migrants, first people from neighbouring villages and then in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries from the other side of the world. The borough rental, or list of tenants, from 1296 is an important document showing that two-thirds of the early workforce came from a ten-mile radius. The 19th century saw economic migration from Scotland and Ireland, and also the arrival of Russian Jews and Romanies escaping persecution. In the 20th century there were new communities of Yemenis, Chinese, Poles, Ukrainians, West Indians of the Windrush generation, Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. This comprehensive history, published to mark the 850th anniversary of Henry II's grant of a market charter to the town in 1166, starts with recent developments in the archaeology of the medieval and Tudor periods. The "City of a Thousand Trades", to quote the 18th century politician Edmund Burke, emerged in the centuries after 1700 as it became a centre of industry and commerce. There were no guilds to create a closed shop, and the freedom allowed to Nonconformists in religion resulted in leaders such as John Bright and Joseph Chamberlain, radicals with a strong philanthropic drive. The first navigable canal was opened in 1766, giving the city access to overseas trade. There has been debate about the involvement of slaves in local industry, but their numbers were probably small. A high wage economy and opportunities for women and children attracted people to the town. Metalworking, from guns to jewellery to railway carriages, was a speciality, and the 20th century saw Birmingham's further development as Britain's motor city. 334pp, timeline, population figures, superb colour photos.
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ISBN 9781781382462
Browse these categories as well: Great Britain, Maps & the Environment, Travel & Places, History
231 - 234 of 234 results