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Book number: 94414 Product format: Hardback Author: SIMON WEBB

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Bibliophile price £7.00
Published price £19.99

Beginning with the medieval trial by ordeal, which entailed carrying a red-hot iron bar in your bare hand for a certain distance, through to the stretching on the rack of political prisoners and the mutilation of those found guilty of sedition, the evidence clearly shows that Britain has relied heavily upon torture, both at home and abroad, for almost the whole of its history. Branding with red-hot irons of blasphemers during the rule of Oliver Cromwell, libelling the monarch in Elizabethan England could result in having the right hand chopped off, the rack, breaking on the wheel (occasionally inflicted in Scotland but never in England), thumb screws used with a variety of names such as pilliwinks, slaves branded and whipped, gibbetting alive by hanging a man in chains to die of exposure and thirst, roasting over a slow fire prolonging death for hours, hanging drawing and quartering, the pillory being stoned to death, the ducking stool, flogging in the 1860s and medieval waterboarding used as late as the 1970s by the British Army in Northern Ireland are illustrated and described. Not a book for the fainthearted. 145pp.

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ISBN 9781526719294

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Book number: 94424 Product format: Paperback Author: RAY BRADBURY
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ROLLING STONES: Rebellion's Children
Book number: 94395 Product format: Hardback Author: MICHAEL O'NEILL
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Book number: 94131 Product format: Paperback Author: R. B. BERNSTEIN
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HOW TO PLAN A CRUSADE: Religious War in The High Middle Ages
Book number: 93932 Product format: Paperback Author: CHRISTOPHER TYERMAN
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Book number: 93953 Product format: Hardback Author: PHILIP MATYSZAK
Bibliophile price £12.50
Published price £19.99

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ROMULUS: The Legend of Rome's Founding Father

Book number: 94419 Product format: Hardback Author: MARC HYDEN

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Bibliophile price £9.00
Published price £25

Most of us learned in schooldays that Romulus was the son of a god; he was left for dead until a she-wolf rescued him; sometime later, he murdered his brother Remus and ultimately established Rome. Few people know much more about Rome's purported founding father than this because historians have in large part disregarded him and there are at least 60 different extant histories of Rome's founding. The book is presented not as history but as the myth that later Romans knew well and the kernel of truth within the Romulus legend. Born to a Vestal Virgin and left for dead as an infant near the Tiber River, his early life nearly ended as quickly as it began. A humble shepherd rescued the child and helped raise him into manhood. As Romulus grew older, he fearlessly engaged in a series of perilous adventures that ultimately culminated in Rome's founding, and he became its fabled first king. Establishing a new city had its price, and Romulus was forced to defend the nascent community. He tirelessly safeguarded Rome and proved that he was a competent leader and talented general, yet he also harboured a dark side which tainted his legacy. But despite all his misdeeds, redemption and subsequent triumphs were usually within his grasp. 'A delicious book that will satisfy any Roman/Latin language lover.' 284pp, maps.

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ISBN 9781526783172
Browse these categories as well: History, Historical Biography

SEJANUS: Regent of Rome

Book number: 94420 Product format: Hardback Author: JOHN MCHUGH

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Bibliophile price £11.00
Published price £25

Sejanus was feared, loathed, despised and loved, but he was above all a consummate and immensely gifted politician. He became a master of all through his control of imperial gifts and honours due to the increasing reluctance of Tiberius to fulfil his role as Emperor. Tiberius had become increasingly frustrated by the futility of encouraging the Senate to take responsibility for the governance of the Empire. In Ancient Rome, power lay in the ability to distribute resources, wealth, offices and honours, and Sejanus filled the space once occupied by his master. He is presented in our overwhelmingly hostile sources as a sinister figure, consumed by ambition who used proxies to eliminate his rivals. L Aelius Sejanus was born around 20BC into a world of intense political, social and economic change while the fabric of the old traditional Roman order and Republican aristocracy was decimated by years of civil war. The infamous Praetorian Prefect Sejanus is now synonymous with over-reaching ambition, murder, conspiracy and betrayal. The traditional storyline is that he craved the imperial throne for himself and isolated the naïve Emperor in his island pleasure palace on Capri while using his control over the Praetorian Guard, coupled with his immense power and influence in Rome to purge the capital of potential opponents. His victims supposedly included the emperor's son Drusus, poisoned by his own wife who had been seduced by Sejanus. The Emperor, warned of Sejanus' ambition, struck first, and the Prefect was arrested in the Senate, strangled, and his corpse cast down the Gemonian Stairs. A fresh reappraisal, 312pp, colour photos and timeline.

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ISBN 9781526714978

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ROMAN LITERARY CULTURE: From Plautus to Macrobius
Book number: 92693 Product format: Paperback Author: ELAINE FANTHAM
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BLOOD AND RUINS: The Last Imperial War, 1931-1945
Book number: 94349 Product format: Hardback Author: RICHARD OVERY
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Book number: 93738 Product format: Hardback Author: PETER DAZELEY & MARK DALY

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Bibliophile price £22.50
Published price £35

The cobalt blue pendant-vaulted ceiling with golden lettering and decoration at Hampton Court Palace has been restored and is exactly what Henry VIII would have seen. Angels Costumes has eight miles of hanging rails and is an 'unparalleled dressing up box' housing more than a million costumes and accessories, military uniforms, medals, insignia and outfits for actors. The Daily Express building in Fleet Street has a stunning Art Deco lobby. Television Centre White City has a statue of the sun god Helios outside its curved exterior. The Royal Hospital Chelsea, Old Royal Naval College, the Honourable Artillery Company, Old Bailey, 10 Downing Street, Big Ben, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the disused Aldwych Underground Station, BT Tower, the Thames Barrier, Battersea Power Station, Mansion House, the Bank of England, Repton Boxing Club, Lord's Cricket Ground, St Sophia's Greek Orthodox Cathedral, New West End Synagogue, King Henry VIII's Wine Cellar to Tower Bridge, we embark on a thrilling tour of the hidden interiors of some of London's most iconic buildings. Celebrated photographer Peter Dazeley takes us deep into the boiler room of the city's infrastructure, into the changing rooms of our greatest temples of sport, into the heart of the Establishment, and behind the scenes at the most opulent buildings, livery companies and halls in the Square Mile. Some buildings are derelict, many still working and all of these extraordinary buildings are accompanied by the story of how each of these places was created, how they are used, and what they reveal about the currents of power flowing through the city. These are doors which may be otherwise closed to us in a magnificent volume, revised and updated in 2017 to include the royal palaces of Hampton Court, the Tower of London and Inigo Jones's Banqueting Hall at the Palace of Whitehall, the Royal Courts of Justice Supreme Court and Bow Street Magistrates' Court. Blazing in colour, a superb heavyweight 272 page publication, 24.8 x 31cm.
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9780711239074

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HAYNES ASTRONAUT 1961 ONWARDS (All Roles and Nationalities)
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REJECTED BOOKS: The Most Unpublishable Books of All Time
Book number: 93951 Product format: Hardback Author: GRAHAM JOHNSON & ROB HIBBERT
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BLURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM: An A-Z of Literary Persuasion
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ANTI-JUDAISM: The History of a Way of Thinking
Book number: 94345 Product format: Paperback Author: DAVID NIRENBERG
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Book number: 94401 Product format: Hardback Author: PAUL MOORHOUSE
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ANTI-JUDAISM: The History of a Way of Thinking

Book number: 94345 Product format: Paperback Author: DAVID NIRENBERG

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Bibliophile price £10.00

There has been a widespread tendency to disregard anti-Judaism, whether expressed in a casual remark or implemented through pogrom or extermination campaign, as somehow exceptional, an unfortunate indicator of personal prejudice, or the shocking outcome of an extremist ideology married to power. But in his magisterial history, David Nirenberg explores anti-Judaism from antiquity to the present, from the Ancient Egyptians who resented their Jewish neighbours, to the ideas of Voltaire and Marx, thereby revealing it to be a mode of thought deeply embedded in the Western tradition. With intolerance and racism on the rise against the West, Nirenberg's central argument is as urgent and as timely as it has ever been. Dark as its subject may be, the book is full of delights. Chapters cover The Road to Emmaus, The Road to Damascus, Making Sense of the World in Jewish Terms, Jewish Enmity in Islam, Jews and Power in Medieval Europe, The Spanish Inquisition, Acting Jewish in Shakespeare's England, 'Israel' at the Foundations of Christian Politics 1545-1677, and Philosophical Struggles from Kant to Heine. Special import. 610pp in sturdy paperback.

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ISBN 9781789541168

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JAZZ & BLUES ENCYCLOPEDIA: New and Expanded Edition
Book number: 94774 Product format: Hardback Author: JEFF WATTS & HOWARD MANDEL
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JERUSALEM ANTHOLOGY Travel Writing Through the Centuries
Book number: 94877 Product format: Hardback Author: T.J. GORTON, A. FEGHALI GORTON
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SHAKESPEARE IN AUTUMN: Select Plays and the Complete Sonnets
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Book number: 94364 Product format: Hardback Author: NANCY GOLDSTONE

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Bibliophile price £11.00
Published price $32

Maria Theresa was the first Holy Roman Empress to rule in her own right. Her father, Charles VI, changed the law so that she could do so, and in 1740 at the age of 23, pregnant with her fourth child, Maria Theresa became Empress of the vast Habsburg empire, with lands covering the modern Germany, Syria, former Czechoslovakia and part of the Netherlands. She immediately had to face an alliance between her neighbours Protestant Prussia and Catholic France as the War of the Austrian Succession got under way, and faced by a coalition against her, Maria Theresa played them off against each other, offering territory in her efforts to persuade one of them to break the alliance. Frederick of Prussia was willing to do so in return for Silesia, but wanted it kept secret. By 1757 she felt she was winning. Meanwhile her daughters Maria Christina ("Mimi"), Maria Carolina ("Charlotte") and Marie Antoinette had made dazzling marriages to European royalty, though the latter ended very badly. This book examines in depth the extent to which the fate of each of the daughters was influenced by the battles and family relationships between each other and with their mother. After attracting the lesbian attentions of her sister-in-law Isabella of Parma, Mimi fell in love with her cousin Albert of Saxony. At first she was thwarted by dynastic considerations, but the sudden death of her father paved the way. She became governor-general of the Austrian Netherlands. Maria Carolina, "Charlotte", was married by proxy to the King of Naples following the death of one sister and disfiguration from smallpox of another, and found the intimacy of marriage an unhappy experience, but she gained Ferdinand's confidence by pretending to love him, and quickly became the effective ruler of Naples. Marie Antoinette was also married by proxy, at the age of 14, to the King of France and her marriage, like her sister's, was made problematic by the unreliable character of her husband, who was to become Louis XVI. Glamorous and ambitious, she became the most famous princess in history. As the country's financial crisis cemented hostility to the ruling family, the French Revolution got under way. Marie Antoinette's sister Mimi had to flee Brussels, but Marie Antoinette's husband left it too late and the royal family was captured as they headed for rural France. The backdrops are the brilliant courts of Vienna to Versailles, the exotic lure of Naples and Sicily. 616pp, colour photos, maps.

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ISBN 9780316449335

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GIVE UNTO OTHERS: A Commissario Guido Brunetti Mystery
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LIT STITCH: 25 Cross-Stitch Patterns for Book Lovers
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KHMERS: The History and Treasures of An Ancient Civilization

Book number: 94366 Product format: Paperback Author: STEFANO VECCHIA

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Bibliophile price £5.00
Published price £18.99

This is the history of the Khmers, the people who for thousands of years inhabited the wooded interior of Cambodia. 150 years ago the representatives of imperial France were astonished to find half-buried within the jungle the still magnificent ruins of vast temples. Justly described as one of the wonders of the world, these were the remnants of the once great Angkor Empire. Since then, archaeologists and historians have attempted to piece together its history. This book presents the rise of Angkor which is usually dated to the early 9th century and the accession of Jayavarman II, although the consolidation of the Cambodian nation, marked by a record of impressive religious constructions, was a fitful process begun many years earlier and continuing over many centuries. By the 11th century the empire claimed dominion over large parts of Thailand, Vietnam and Laos and this book describes its organisation, the daily life of kings, priests and farmers and the work of the craftsmen who created in stone and bronze the imperial and religious centres of power. Interspersed with great events and dramatic figures, the book presents both the classic vision of this civilization and the latest theories about it and includes incisive anecdotes. Superbly well illustrated with full page colour photographs with captions explaining the complexity, the decorated figures and pillars, four-headed images, citadels, enclosure walls, exquisitely detailed carving stones, reliefs, the provincial capital, central towers and anthropomorphic statues with monkey heads and more. Large softback 29.85 x 33cm, 208pp, colour.
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9788854406896

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WISDOM'S WORKSHOP: The Rise of the Modern University
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ROMAN LITERARY CULTURE: From Plautus to Macrobius
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Book number: 94367 Product format: Paperback Author: A. A. AND MARY HOEHLING

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Bibliophile price £6.00
Published price £12.95

This classic account of the event that changed the course of World War I was first published in 1956 and revised in 1996. The huge Cunard passenger ship Lusitania was torpedoed on 7 May 1915 and sank quickly, with a loss of 1198 lives. With her revolutionary turbines she had pushed transatlantic speeds up several knots, and her elevators, complete electrification and rudimentary air conditioning set a standard of comfort well into the following decades. The disaster brought America into the war, although the authors dismiss suggestions that Churchill suppressed information about nearby U-boats in order to bring about this outcome. Rumours of gold bullion, however, have never been satisfactorily answered. The U-20 captained by Kapitanleutnant Schwieger struck near the Irish peninsula of Kinsale. The book follows a wide range of passengers including Charles A. Plamonden and his wife, a machinery manufacturer, who along with several other passengers received a mysterious telegram warning him not to travel. Businessman Edward B. Bowen cancelled his sailing because of a premonition. The German embassy in Washington issued a warning about sailing into British waters, but it was dismissed by the manager of Dewar's whisky, who was also travelling, as "tommyrot". Mme de Page was a charity worker raising funds for Belgian relief, while the fabulously wealthy Alfred Vanderbilt was travelling along with the playwright Justus Forman. The realities of the war had not sunk in to many Americans, and the author alternates scenes aboard the U-20 with social life on board the Lusitania. There was a nursery for first class passengers, though the majority of children were in second. Six year old Ellen Smith, rescued by a Canadian journalist, lost her mother, father and sister. Survivor Elizabeth Duckworth, a steerage passenger returning to her home in Blackburn, jumped from one lifeboat to another in order to help with the rowing. Vivid descriptions of the sinking come from the eyewitness testimonies of survivors, for instance Theodate Pope or Margaret Mackworth who jumped 60 feet into the sea, while the experiences of those waiting for news are poignantly described. 259pp, paperback, photos.

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ISBN 9781568330785

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BY ANY OTHER NAME: A Cultural History of The Rose
Book number: 94231 Product format: Hardback Author: SIMON MORLEY
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CLEOPATRA: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt

Book number: 94402 Product format: Paperback Author: ZAHI HAWASS & FRANCK GODDIO

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Bibliophile price £7.50
Published price £17.99

Written by the inimitable Zahi Hawass in collaboration with underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio, this richly illustrated book chronicles the life of Cleopatra and the centuries-long quest to learn more about the queen and her tumultuous era, the last pharaonic period of Egyptian history. A legendary temptress, Cleopatra has captivated the world for 2,000 years and here is her story, illustrated with stunning artefacts in book form for the first time ever. Gods and sphinxes, sacred objects of worship, priceless jewellery, and the simple relics of everyday life all saved from the desert or the sea, they bring back the humanity, culture and beliefs of the people who made them, and who served the empire ruled and lost by Queen Cleopatra. In a deep green sea, flanked by sphinxes on either side, a priest stands as if about to process through the murky water in a superb double page colour photograph. On coins we see the head of Ptolemy I, with diadem and aegis around his neck. Measuring nearly 5m tall and found in separate pieces in Heracleion's underwater ruins, a magnificent Ptolemaic king wears a double crown signifying the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the Pharoah. Made of red granite, there is a fantastic photograph of the researchers hoisting the immense statue out of the water. Basins, strainers, braziers, amphora, columns engraved with Greek descriptions, ancient documents and the gleaming golden jewellery collection are among the hundreds of colour photographs in this heavyweight softback of 256pp. 20.3 x 25cm.

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ISBN 9781426205453

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Book number: 94664 Product format: Hardback Author: DOMINIQUE ROQUES
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Book number: 94687 Product format: Hardback Author: DAVID LOUGH

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Bibliophile price £6.50
Published price £30

Sub-titled 'Forty Years of Letters Between Winston Churchill and His Mother', carefully edited and put into their historical context by David Lough. The early letters sent home from boarding school constantly ask his parents for more money and foreshadow Churchill's later financial recklessnesses. His mother Jennie Lady Randolph Churchill corresponded with her young son age six, and in 1921 the year of her death, mother and son were still prolific letter writers. Over those 40 years, Churchill's life saw army service in India, escape from a Boer POW camp, his swift ascent from Conservative MP for Oldham to Liberal First Lord of the Admiralty, resignation in the wake of the debacle of Gallipoli, and eventual return to the Cabinet in 1917. His mother's life by contrast is an extravagant and indolent life of the monied classes touring the houses of aristocratic friends and taking advantage of their hospitality. Her second marriage flounders and she becomes a lonely figure. As Winston joins Asquith's Cabinet and meets his wife-to-be Clementine, Jennie is getting divorced and making faltering attempts to embark on a literary career. Winston's letters back from India, Egypt and the First World War trenches demonstrates his disregard for personal safety. The letters reflect Churchill's emotional, intellectual and political development as confided to his mother as his mentor and charts a mother-son relationship characterised at the outset by young Winston's dependence on Jennie, which is dramatically reversed as her life crumbles towards its end. Brimming with gossip, name-dropping and chutzpah, and populated by a cast of the great and good of late Victorian and Edwardian England, there are very illuminating introductions to each exchange. A beautifully designed and illustrated tome of 610pp with satin pagemarker.

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ISBN 9781786697707

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