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Book number: 92553 Product format: Paperback Author: JACQUELINE BUBLITZ

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Bibliophile price £1.90
Published price £7.99

Elly Griffith described this Good Housekeeping Book of the Year as 'spellbinding' and Marian Keyes as 'unusual, beautiful, feminist, gripping, deserves to win prizes. I loved it so much.' It is a brave and timely novel which will fuel the debate on women's rights to walk safely through our streets and is not just another crime fiction novel about a dead girl. When she arrived in New York on her 18th birthday carrying nothing but $600 cash and a stolen camera, Alice was looking for a fresh start. Now just one month later she is the city's latest Jane Doe, an unidentified murder victim. Ruby Jones is also trying to start over. She travelled halfway round the world only to find herself lonelier than ever, until she finds Alice Lee's body by the Hudson River. From this first, devastating encounter, the two women form an unbreakable bond. Alice is sure that Ruby is the key to solving the mystery of her life - and death, and Ruby, struggling to forget what she saw that morning finds herself unable to let Alice go. Not until she is given the ending she deserves. With luminous prose, this is a brilliantly clever and original novel and a lyrical story of friendship from beyond the grave. 322pp, paperback with fairly large print.

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ISBN 9780751581669
Browse these categories as well: Last Chance to buy!, Modern and Contemporary Fiction and Upmarket Bestsellers

VINCENT VAN GOGH: 20 Notecards and Envelopes

Book number: 94615 Product format: Unknown Author: TENEUES

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Bibliophile price £4.50
Published price £14.50

The Starry Night, Vincent's Bedroom with the yellow coverlet, 14 Sunflowers in a Vase, The Church at Auvers-sur-Oise, Garden with Flowers in that unmistakeable pointillism style with greenish sky and yellowed grasses and flowers are the five designs. There are four of each totalling 20 blank quality notecards for all occasions and 20 white envelopes. Colourful box.

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ISBN Unknown

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Book number: 94646 Product format: Hardback Author: MARTIN BOWMAN

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Bibliophile price £10.00
Published price £25

Bowman is one of Britain's leading aviation authors and here presents an unparalleled account of events as they unfolded in the skies above Holland during Operation 'Market-Garden' in September 1944. It was a heroic failure conducted at great cost combining both airborne and ground losses and killed, wounded and the missing amounted to more than 17,000. The airborne part of the operation spanned ten allied lists in a calamitous nine days of operations, often in foul weather. 4,050 aircraft saw employment - most of them towed the 1,205 Hamilcar and Horsa gliders, and were confronted by an unknown number of Luftwaffe aircraft. Stories of individual heroism punctuate this narrative, such as that of David Lord, an RAF Dakota pilot who was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross. Here is the valorous contribution of the RAF Dakota, Stirling, Halifax, Albemarle, Horsa, Hamilcar, and Glider Pilot Regiment Crews together with those of the USAAF C-47 Troop Carrier Group of the IX US Troop Carrier Command, the Waco and Horsa Gliders, and the B-24 Liberator Re-Supply Crews. All of their incredible, illuminating and often understated accounts of extraordinary courage, camaraderie, shared terror and encounters with the enemies offer a more personalised view of 'Market'. With the author's background information of each air operation, many photos, 330pp.

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ISBN 9781526746115

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Book number: 90045 Product format: Hardback Author: CHARLES OLIVER

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Bibliophile price £5.50
Published price £12.99

Sub-titled 'Secrets and Recipes from the reign of Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II' this melting pot of anecdotes, photographs and recipes is written by Charles Oliver who was in royal service for more than 60 years. If you have ever pondered what Queen Victoria ate for breakfast, George V's preferences for pudding, the formal proceedings of a state supper, the intimate affair of afternoon tea and an insight into the history of royal cooking, here are anecdotes and menus that span three generations of royal dining. The selection of menus are those used at actual royal events alongside a series of exclusive private photographs of the royal family, all about the rules and protocols, how guests should be seated and that Her Majesty's only dislike her Head Chef Charles Mellis can recall is her dislike of grapefruit. The Queen and Prince Philip enjoy fairly light meals and a typical royal menu would be smoked Scottish salmon and Cornish lobster, grilled fillet of beef maître d'hotel, accompanied by buttered French beans, a macédoine of vegetables, fried potatoes and salad, followed by vanilla cream parfait, cheese and cream crackers, celery hearts, fresh fruit and coffee. Here are recipes like Poulet au Riz, Dinde Rôtie Palace with sausage meat, Potato Croquettes, Asparagus Sauce Chantilly and Millefeuilles aux Pommes. There is a wonderful photograph of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother in full Highland dress on page 144 and a very relaxed young Queen Elizabeth in front of a huge open fire, also in Scotland, the young Prince Charles and Princess Anne, and relaxed shots in the garden with the corgis, plus after-dinner rituals in the dining room at Balmoral and plenty of personal information based on Charles Oliver's personal recollections. He died in 1965. We dish up 219 decadent pages, many photos and line art.

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ISBN 9781786065162
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Book number: 92099 Product format: Hardback Author: BRIAN & WILMA RITTERSHAUSEN

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Bibliophile price £10.00
Published price £20

A complete guide to orchids and their cultivation, these flamboyant, intriguing, beautiful and exotic plants have evolved to become the largest family of plants in the world. This classic book written by two of the world's leading orchid authorities and newly updated helps you identify, choose and display these delightful flowers successfully. It offers a round-the-world tour of the range of tropical and temperate habitats in which orchids are found and explains main orchid types, how early explorers discovered the first tropical orchids and started an orchid craze that continues today. It explains orchid botany and nomenclature, inspirational ideas for growing these plants indoors whether in glass tanks and baskets or on trees and stones, as well as growing orchids outdoors. There is information on basic tools and equipment, compost mixes, potting and mounting, propagation, feeding, watering and light control and dealing with pests and diseases. The Orchid Directory explains their natural habitat, size, flowering time and growing requirements, and all the main genera are covered from Cymbidium to Dendrobium, from Phalaenopsis to Phragmipedium as well as a selection of specialist orchids. There is also an easy-to-use glossary. On each grand very glossy bright white heavyweight page are between one and four colour photographs, many in close up, exhibiting the range of colours of pinks and orange and white and mottles and veins and patterns and blotches and spots, and shapes and textures, standing clear of the foliage and how flowers are produced at various times of the year, blooming again the following year. In 2009, the authors were jointly awarded the Westonbirt Orchid Medal for Outstanding Literary Achievement on the Subject of Orchids. The final inside back cover photograph is so close up you can almost feel the spongy iridescent silver sparkling texture of the pin spots on the beautiful white flower photographed. 256 very large pages, colour.
Click YouTube icon to see this book come to life on video.

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ISBN 9781782143659
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365 SUDOKUS FOR PROS: With Pencil Included

Book number: 92447 Product format: Paperback Author: NGV

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Bibliophile price £5.00

For fans of this cult Japanese puzzle here are 365 fiendish sudokus which require all your powers of logic, endurance and concentration to be rewarded with hours of brain-twisting fun. A challenge for every day of the year, this softback book has one clear big puzzle in an elegant layout with an elastic fastener and a full size bright white pencil with a rubber tip slotted into an elastic fastener down the side, so when you change your mind you can easily erase and make your second or third (or fourth) attempt. Mind bending fun with numbers, beautifully decorated cover with black background and pale pink flowers and berries, birds and leaves design for a lovely gift idea.

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ISBN 9783625190882
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Book number: 93682 Product format: Hardback Author: ADRIAN BESLEY

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Bibliophile price £10.00
Published price £18.99

Gordon Banks arching gracefully through the air horizontally to punch away a ball from the goal mouth. On the ball with Billy Bremner in a facsimile signed article. Shoot's star writers Bobby Moore from West Ham and Alan Ball from Everton reveal their details including who they would most want to meet in the world (Frank Sinatra, Cassius Clay and Brigette Bardot). George Best, Brian Clough and Derby County, Ray Clemence talking soccer, here is all the lowdown on the games and the stars and the champions and the losers and the fans and Gazza and Greavsie. Page after page of colour and facsimile black and white reprints from the pages of the top teenage footie magazine bring back fond memories of when sideburns and haircuts were long, shorts were short, and England's World Cup victory was a recent event. It is a time when a footballer's favourite meal was steak and chips, he drove a Ford Capri and his biggest dislike was ignorant people. Muddy pitches, garish kits, bubble perms, since its launch in 1969, Shoot's magazine had the best articles and funniest features. A nostalgia fest to bring back loads of memories from the Golden Age of Football. 176 big colourful pages packed with photos, 21.6 x 28cm.

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ISBN 9781787392410
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Book number: 91666 Product format: Paperback Author: T. S. ELIOT

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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £7.99

The movie Cats was based on the musical inspired by these wonderful and much-loved cat poems by T. S. Eliot, and this edition, illustrated with lovely monochrome drawings, introduces the reader once again to the Bravo Cat Growltiger, the extremely ancient Old Deuteronomy and the Mystery Cat Macavity ("he's called the Hidden Paw"), together with a dozen other colourful figures both enterprising and deplorable. Growltiger, the "roughest cat that ever roamed at large", together with his bucko mate Rumbuskin, terrifies the people from Rotherhithe to Hammersmith but is captured as he serenades the faithless Lady Griddlebone. The Rum Tum Tugger is one of these contrarian characters who always wants what he can't have, in contrast with the jolly Jellicle Cats who just live to dance at the Jellicle Ball. The cat-burglars Mungojerrie and Rumpelteaser need no introduction, while we all know that if a treaty goes missing from the Foreign Office it's certain that the "master-criminal" Macavity, the monster of depravity, will be nowhere near the scene. Bustopher Jones with his white spats is the quintessential cat about town, and the 11.42 Night Mail can never depart without making sure that lovable Skimbleshanks the railway cat is safely on board. 118pp, paperback, black and white drawings.

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ISBN 9780571359837
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951 - 958 of 958 results