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Bibliophile price £1.50
Published price £6.99
'Curled up in bed, my head full of thoughts, as night takes over from day. I toss and I turn, I wriggle and roll - but I just can't drift away. I CAN'T SLEEP! Perhaps I should try to count jumping sheep, or make up a silly rhyme? But that didn't work and I'm still wide awake! I'll try to count slower next time. OK. Give this a go. One. A sheep appears from under the bed and starts grazing on my rug. Two. Another falls down the chimney, where it was hiding safe and snug...' The Spanish artist and writer duo have created a beautiful big colourful picture book as we count down to take all sleepyheads to a dreamy place ' eyes slowly close my mind floats away just as I reach number...' The little girl starts counting sheep and soon finds that these aren't your average sheep - they come to life and start exploring the house. 32 pages, 22 x 30cm, ages 2-5 years.

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