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Bibliophile price £3.00
Published price £14
Everyday ways to find and lose yourself in 'nature', this is a beautiful book brim-full with accessible and inventive ideas and a practical guide to fostering calm. Expand and retreat. Grow and disappear. Find and lose yourself in nature. We have all heard the advice that to improve our wellbeing we need to reconnect with nature and tune in to the natural world. But how do we find it? The book is an invitation to journey into nature, no matter how urban your environment or green your neighbourhood is. It has projects, wisdom and ideas to set new inventions and discover new paths 'with plenty of planning and pauses to let the magic take effect.' Make new rituals, learn new skills through creative projects, seeing things differently because new knowledge is key to positive change, push yourself and try two or three different suggestions each week or month and celebrate your victories, even the tiny ones. There is plenty on gardening, microgreens, saving sickly houseplants, befriending an elderly tree; have a mindful adventure in your neighbourhood and embrace getting lost, dissolve in water and experience a silky, cool water seeping into every nook and crease of your skin; create an imaginary landscape, discover urban birding, recipes for soaks and sprays, aromatherapy cleanses, a conversation with silence, conjuring mood with scent, bundle dyeing with food waste like avocados or onion skin, dry marigold flowers, carrot tops, rosemary or hibiscus tea or collecting fresh petals, leaves, or berries and stems to add colour and shapes to your dyed fabric. Beautifully designed and illustrated and packed with information to dip into. 188pp.

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