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Bibliophile price £4.00
Published price £15.99
Sub-titled 'Everything You Need to Know About 139 Languages That Don't Really Exist'. Now with artificial intelligence and artificial languages, we look throughout history starting with the Greeks to Grammelot with present and future dialects, languages with their roots on Earth, languages that are a little more out of this world, dystopian languages and full scale literary experiments, how TV sparks language development, Tolkien's secret vice, Klingon and fan fiction. The Voynich manuscript of the 15th century was discovered by a bookseller in 1912 and was written in an unknown language with an unknown script by an unknown author. It depicted unidentified constellations, mysterious plants, bathing women, astrological tables and long pieces of beautiful but incomprehensible text. Linguists and codebreakers have been trying in vain to solve that mystery for over century and since then linguists, cryptologists, occultists and various wannabe geniuses have also tried. If you think about it, all languages are made up - some are just more open about it than others. Here Yens Wahlgren heads up an expedition through time, space and multiple universes to explore the words that have built worlds. From the classic constructed languages of Star Trek and Tolkien to (literally) Orwellian Newspeak and pop-culture sensations such as Game of Thrones, The Witcher and The Mandalorian, this is your portal to over a hundred realms and lexicons - and perhaps the starting point to creating your own. 288 pages.

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