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OCCULT, MAGIC & WITCHCRAFT: An Exploration of Modern Sorcery
Bibliophile price £5.75
Published price $12.99
With a careful and considered eye, Olliver surveys the origins of magic, considers its relationship to religion and spiritualism, and discusses how we should deal with experiences outside our understanding through the new science of metapsychics. The overview covers the hidden histories of religion, sorcery, esoterica and superstition, delving into symbols, divinatory practices, mediumship, Satanism, witchcraft and even vampires and werewolves. From bizarre beliefs and disturbing rites to the grisly details of various witch trials, Olliver presents everything with a spirit of scientific curiosity in this now-classic work, first published in 1928 under the title 'A Handbook of Magic & Witchcraft'. He also looks at sexual worship, black magic, and the Kabala, and more modern cryptesthesis, telekinesis and ectoplasmia. Fairly large print, 282pp in illustrated large softback.

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