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PRINCE OF DHARMA: The Illustrated Life of the Buddha
Bibliophile price £17.00
Published price £55
With over 60 stunning plates of original art, this is a bold and glorious rendering of the life of the Buddha by author Ranchor Prime who brings to life the inspired work of award-winning artist B. G. Sharma with a sensitive, immensely readable and rarely seen biography of the Buddha. From his birth as a prince to his final lesson in achieving nirvana, Sharma captures it all. Ornamented throughout are quotes from A Dhammapada for Contemplation by Ajahn Munindo. "An exquisite rendering of the Buddhist story. As if the beauty of the Blessed One could step out of modern India's best paintings into your hands." - Jack Kornfield. What do we really know about the life of Siddhartha, who later became known as the Buddha? What challenges did he encounter along his path to the Bodhi Tree? He lived in northern India in the 5th century BC as a Hindu prince who fled a life of luxury to live an ascetic life as a wandering monk. During his lifetime he established a substantial following and was known for performing miracles and traditionally his teachings have emphasised compassion and forbearance, summarised in his sermons and in the Dhammapada. His life is reflected within these ornately illustrated pages. 30.48cm squared, first edition, 208pp. Modern Moghul-inspired exquisitely colourful illustrations throughout this glamorous publication.
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