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GULLIVER'S TRAVELS: Classic Collection
Bibliophile price £1.99
Published price £6.99
A parody of the popular seafaring narrative of his time, Jonathan Swift's masterpiece was written 'to vex the world rather than divert it.' Lemuel Gulliver, English surgeon turned ship captain, embarks on four fantastic voyages, each a clash with strange beings and cultures, from the eccentric to the odious. Island by island he meets the savage but tiny Lilliputians, the hideous Yahoos, a stable of talking horses, a race of decrepit immortals, and the ghosts of Julius Caesar and Homer. This very much abridged introduction is for little tots ages 5-8, and much of the enjoyment is from the full page beautiful colour artwork which is especially attractive even to adult collectors of children's books. Slim softback, 48pp.

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