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Hanky-panky on the international art scene is the source of the hilarity and fizz in Peter Mayle's novel. He flies us back to the south of France on a wild chase through galleries, homes of prominent collectors, and wickedly delectable restaurants. There are stopovers in the Bahamas and England, and in New York, where that glossiest of magazines, Decorating Quarterly, reflects the cutting-edge trendiness of its editor, Camilla Jameson Porter. (Camilla has recently broken new ground in the world of power lunches by booking two tables on the same day, and shuttling between them, at the city's trendiest restaurant.) It is Camilla who has sent our hero, Andre Kelly, to Cap Ferrat to take glamorous photographs of the houses and treasures of the rich, famous, and fatuous. He happens to have his camera at the ready when he spots a Cézanne being loaded onto a plumber's truck near the home of an absentee collector, and in no time he's on the trail of a state-of-the-art art scam, chasing Cézanne. We encounter with him an awesome Dutch forger, some outstandingly greedy New York sophisticates and, invisible in the background, the parade of remarkable chefs whose mouthwatering culinary masterpieces periodically soothe the hero and tantalize the reader. The Franklin Library 1997. First Edition Society note laid in. Gilt embossed, bound in Fine Genuine burgundy Leather - 22kt gold-stamped spine accents, distinctive raised spine hubs, specially milled acid-neutral paper, Smyth-sewn pages, gilded page edges. Permanent satin ribbon page-marker. SIGNED BY AUTHOR.
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