Natural, affordable and sustainable solutions for the home, every time Bibliophile has stocked one of these, it has been a bestseller. Now this is the inexpensive way to go green with organic, economical and natural cleaning products. Clean the oven, polish silver, remove stains by using the mighty ingredients of the common pantry. For indoor and outdoor cleaning, personal hygiene and grooming, pet care, it is organised by the kitchen including countertop disinfectant and broom bristle preserver, by the living room with carpet shampoo, window anti-freeze and leather furniture conditioner, the bathroom sink and bathtub drain clog removal and toilet bowl cleansing, the laundry with softeners and a vinyl shower curtain liner cleanse and much more. We love the paw pad protector for icy, salty ground which makes a dog's paws raw and crack. Thoroughly rub olive oil or coconut oil into his pads. Revive your flowerpots with coarse salt, deal with ants, make a tropical foot soak, revive the under eye area and freshen up the grout between your tiles with strained lemon juice and salt. Remainder mark, 238 page well illustrated softback.
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