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Bibliophile price £11.00
Published price £15.99
Born in Budapest in 1921, Val Biro discovered his talent and love of drawing at an early age. He moved to London in 1939 and throughout his distinguished career stretching over 60 years his work has featured in magazines, advertising and over 400 illustrated books. Aimed at ages seven years and up, this classically illustrated children's bible will be enjoyed by readers of all ages. It captures the imagination as they discover the most important events of the Old and New Testaments. It is presented in easily understood sections and features chapter and verse references, fascinating facts, and maps of the Holy Land. There are the familiar stories of Cain and Abel, Noah and his Ark, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob's Dream, Joseph's Wonderful Coat and how he becomes a slave and is imprisoned, and Joseph the Ruler of Egypt seeing his family again. Baby Moses, the First Passover, the Story of Ruth, Samuel and David, David and Goliath, Jerusalem, Elijah in the Desert and the Prophets of Baal, Daniel in the Lions' Den. And that is just from the Old Testament. From the New Testament we have Mary is Chosen, Baby Jesus, The Shepherds, The Wise Men, The Return to Nazareth, John the Baptist, Jesus is Tempted, The Good Neighbour, The Lost Sheep, Judas Plots to Betray Jesus, The Last Supper, Peter's Denial, The Crucifixion, right up to Paul Comes to Rome and The Faithful to the End. Very large print text, beautiful clear layout and stunning artworks on every page. 19.5 x 26cm, maps on endpapers.
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