Book number: 94950 Product format: Hardback Author: BRIAN HARWOOD

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Hubert De Burgh, Earl of Kent (1170-1243) was a fighting man, used to wiping the blood and entrails of his enemies from his armour. He was a man who saved the throne of his nine-year-old king during a successful French invasion of England, a man who sent that same French army packing permanently, sinking their fleet, a man who countersigned Magna Carta and then supervised its update to the betterment of the English nation. A man who protected and modernised the English economy, even to counting the pennies. A man who fought the English cause across the continent, often hand-to-hand. A man who frightened the Vatican. A man who perfected the art of castle warfare. A man who held Dover Castle against all the odds and saved the nation. A man who laid the foundations for an English national government. Hubert de Burgh rose from obscure beginnings and loyally served first King John and then the young Henry III, playing a crucial role in saving the Plantagenet dynasty when it was at its most vulnerable. During King John's disastrous wars in France, Hubert held Chinon Castle against the besieging French for a whole year. He remained loyal when the Barons rebelled against John and, when they invited French invaders to intervene, Hubert successfully held Dover Castle against a siege led by the French Prince Louis. He struck the final blow against French invasion when he defeated a powerful fleet carrying French reinforcements at the naval Battle of Sandwich. Hubert made important reforms as Justiciar of England and led military campaigns against the Welsh Prince Lewellyn. He eventually lost favour due to the machinations of his rivals, and narrowly avoided execution, but was eventually reconciled with his king and able to die a peaceful death. Incredibly this is the first full length biography of this remarkable man. 158pp, 16 pages of photos.

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ISBN 9781473877368
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